
Lerissa + AJ / The Westin Savannah & The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Wedding

Lerissa + AJ / The Westin Savannah & The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Wedding

Come what may…

You know, life isn’t easy. For anyone. If there’s one thing that’s fair about life, that’s it… We all have to overcome obstacles somehow, someway and conquer the things that try to get in the way of our plans.

Mimi + John / St. Teresa of Avila & The Foundry at Rae’s Creek Wedding

Mimi + John / St. Teresa of Avila & The Foundry at Rae’s Creek Wedding

Family is everything… that’s a saying that I couldn’t relate to for a long time. I come from a broken family, and my mom is all the family I’ve had. There were times when she wasn’t there either and I was handed from place to place. But, God does miracles and even though my family didn’t look ideal or perfect, my mom’s remarriage saved us.