swan house

Eunice + Clement / Swan House & Atlanta History Center Engagement Portraits

Eunice + Clement / Swan House & Atlanta History Center Engagement Portraits

It’s interesting how laughter is contagious... have you ever felt frustrated or just wasn’t in a good mood, but you hear someone laugh over and over and you can’t help but laugh or at least smile?  It makes you realize that whatever you’re going through isn’t as bad as it seems. I’m blessed to have a husband who brings so much laughter into my life and our home.

Fraderica + TJ / Swan House Atlanta History Center Wedding Portraits

Fraderica + TJ / Swan House Atlanta History Center Wedding Portraits

Rain... we've been getting a lot more of it than we would have liked this summer.  It's as if Georgia has become Florida... hot and humid during the day and then afternoon thunderstorms in the afternoon... Well, because Fraderica + TJ didn't have first look on their wedding day, they decided to do a post wedding session.  We were stoked when they told us that it was going to be at the Swan House!

Asia + Ansu / Atlanta History Center Swan House Wedding

Asia + Ansu / Atlanta History Center Swan House Wedding

We met this bride's family yeeeeeears ago... Like over 13 years ago when we used to work in the youth ministry of our church.  That was a time before we were even married... not a thought about having a photography business crossed our minds.  In fact, we weren't even into photography at all!  Isn't it amazing how time can change things?