Allison + Bryant / Craig Obrist Photo Workshop North Georgia Mountains

Allison + Bryant / Craig Obrist Photo Workshop North Georgia Mountains

Life is full of dreams... that's something that doesn't change as you get older.  You continue to dream and live your life trying to fulfill them.  Well, we are so thankful because another dream came true for us!

Mother's Day 2018 // How I Juggle Being a Full Time Mom and a Full Time Business Owner

Mother's Day 2018 // How I Juggle Being a Full Time Mom and a Full Time Business Owner

"Mommy!  I don't have socks!"

"Mommy!  Do you know where my violin is?"

"Mommy!  Sorry, but I spilled water on the floor.... again."

"Mommy!  Ethan is so annoying!  He keeps messing up my legos!!!!"

"Elli scratched me again!"

I write this blog in hopes that all moms out there can relate to the sounds of the words above.  In hopes that my family is "normal" and that everything is going to be ok.  :)

The Why Behind The What

The Why Behind The What

I think most of us have wondered at one time or another why we are here.  Why we exist… Everyone wants to be “someone”, don’t they?  Everyone dreams of being a “somebody”.  Sometimes, we speak as if we are all working like busy bees for money.

Christmas Card Evolution

Christmas Card Evolution

Christmas... That special time of year where everything seems a bit more cozy... that time of year where we come together as family and reflect on how blessed we are.  That time of year when we get to slow down, catch up with good friends, have quality time with our kids.

How We Work Together and Stay Happily Married Part 2

How We Work Together and Stay Happily Married Part 2

Thank you for the great response from our last blog post!  If you missed it, click here for the first half so that this half will make sense.    As promised, here’s PART 2 on the boundaries that we keep to protect our marriage from our business to keep it balanced and healthy.

How We Work Together & Stay Happily Married Part 1

How We Work Together & Stay Happily Married Part 1

Ever since we met, Craig and I had the same employer.  If you read our story on a previous post, you know that we used to work at Victory World Church.  That’s where we met and that’s where we worked.  We got married there too!

Ebony Magazine Feature // Montell + Kristin Jordan

Ebony Magazine Feature // Montell + Kristin Jordan

For this blog post, we are doing something a bit different….We are not going to talk about ourselves.  We are going to brag on a very special couple. When we tell our other clients that we know this couple, people usually don’t believe us.  Ladies and gentlemen, that couple is Montell and Kristin Jordan.

Our Story / How it All Began

Our Story / How it All Began

It was a cold January morning when my wife woke me up at 3am telling me that our first child was about to enter this world. I freaked out… I mean, really freaked out. Although we anticipated for this day for eight months (yes, all of our kids were born in eight months),



As mentioned in our previous blog, my wife and I began going to a marriage retreat. We attended two years thus far, and it’s been phenomenal. Through that, I had the honor of meeting Jeff Woods. A brilliant entrepreneur who does everything with excellence…