Silvana + Mike / N.Y. Engagement Portraits


I’ve had the privilege to visit many places in the world.  I consider myself very blessed!  Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Europe, Latin America, but it’s funny because some places that you think I’ve been to before, I’ve actually never been!  Like New York City!  I mean, c’mon, for someone who travels, you’d think I’ve been there before, right?  Nope… Never!  Until now…. Yes again, the story begins with my wife.  LOL One of my wife’s closest friends, Yumi, lives in New York.  She’s been there for a few years now, and she introduced us to her friends, Silvana & Mike who is getting married in May.  I’ve always wanted to do a shoot in New York City, and what an opportunity this became!  We give all the credit to Yumi for connecting us and making it just all happen. Before I say anything about this couple, let me just say “WOW!”  It was the best photographer/client match EVER!  They were soooooo willing to do whatever it took.  It was a cold day in New York that day, but it didn’t matter.  This shoot was going to last like 7 hours, but it didn’t matter.  They had to walk miles and miles… it didn’t matter.  They truly were troopers with their smiles on.  So, I’ve never been to this city.  Did I mention that?  Within three hours of me landing in this “foreign city”, I met Silvana & Mike and below are the images that we captured for 7 hours.  I’ve never met them before either, but it was as if I knew them for years.  No, really… it was simply awesome.  We got along so well and had an amazing time.  We laughed, laughed, and laughed, and as you can see in the pictures, everything was just picture perfect.  Oh, and did I say that Mike flew in from Boston for this shoot?  Um… yes… he sure did.  Yeah, I know… like I said, “WOW!”  I can go on and on, but let me let you view the amazing shots.  Silvana & Mike, thank you once again for an amazing trip.  You guys were so awesome to be around, and I appreciate all the time and effort that it took to make this shoot work.  You are a beautiful couple inside & out.  Unchong & I are sooooo happy for you, and can’t wait to get to know you more soon.  We will be visiting again in the summer, so we really hope to see you again then.  We hope that you love the images and that you will cherish these times forever!  And Yumi, really, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your hospitality and for coordinating all this.  You are so greatly appreciated!