Erin + Travis / The Grande Kennesaw Wedding


I'm learning more and more that you can't do this life alone.  We were never meant to... Small task, big task, it doesn't matter... It always takes a team of people; a community.  We are all meant to be a part of a body; Christ's body.  When you find that and find your purpose, you can only thrive.  Erin and Travis have found that and are thriving!  Their wedding was full of people who truly cared.  Some were there from the beginning of their relationship and have been there through the thick and thin to help them to be where they are.  Life is a journey... marriage is a journey... a journey that is the greatest gift God has given us to help us understand God's love for us.  Marriage is a reflection of His unconditional love for the church.  What a blessing it is for Erin and Travis to be surrounded by lovers of Christ who follow Him and strive to obey His Word and through that, love them?  This wedding needless to say, was one of the most beautiful weddings I've had the honor to witness.  Everything was put together so well.... the bride and groom were the most CHILL individuals EVER!  They looked AMAZING and were just oh so cute picture perfect!  I absolutely loved Erin's dress (so unique!) and Travis was as dapper as can be.  The two were yes, adorable.  :)  When I say that love was in the air, it seriously was.  Every person there were present to celebrate this Godly union and the beginning of the couple's next chapter of life.  There was so much dancing that I was concerned that the dance floor was going to literally fall through.  LOL  And the wedding party... you guys ROCKED!  I enjoyed working with all of you and what a refreshing breath of air you all brought for me!  Thank you for giving me this honor.  I have enjoyed every moment and I hope you will cherish all these images for the rest of your lives.  May God continue to bless you, Erin and Travis!