Masuma + Sanjiv / Emory and Lullwater Park Engagement

Have you heard of the phrase “picture perfect?” Well, I better have! :) Iʼve not only heard of it, but I have seen it and it is my job to create it. Sometimes, my wife and I have to remind ourselves to stop seeing the world as picture perfect. Itʼs crazy because when we are walking, driving around, watching TV, we see an opportunity to get an idea for an image. An image that we know our clients will love. We just canʼt help it! Well, when I met Masuma and Sanjiv, I didnʼt meet a couple that only seem perfect in pictures, but a couple who were not perfect, but indeed perfect for one another. Thatʼs what I just love about relationships. We as individuals can try, but when we meet our other half, life becomes complete and our imperfect side becomes perfected by the one we love. Our weakness is their strength, and our strengths are their weaknesses. Isnʼt it a good thing that none of are perfect? Sometimes we wish that we all were, but if we were, then why would we need anyone else in our lives? We canʼt survive this world on our own... relationships are a beautiful thing and truly a gift. I saw that in Masuma and Sanjiv... a couple who balance each other so well and are in sync with one another.

I enjoyed their laughter and simply just having fun with one another. Their love was a fresh breath of air! And on top of all that, they looked fabulous! My goodness... could their outfits have been any better?! The colors, the style, the fit... I mean, you name it, it was perrrrrrrrfect. :) I appreciated this couple and how they just left it up to me when it came to the pictures. They allowed me to see what was best for them and the session just flowed so well. We simply just had a great time... Masuma + Sanjiv, thank you for a wonderful shoot! I felt like I was working with experienced models and you guys definitely looked like one! You guys are a beautiful couple inside and out and thank you for making relationships so fun and awesome! You guys are going to be amazing at this marriage thing!

Thank you for THE best time... Enjoy the images and see you guys on your wedding day. :)