Mat + Hila / Four Oaks Manor Wedding


I remember getting an email from Mat when my wife and I were at a marriage retreat back in Spring.  It was a time where we were able to take a break from life and just reflect on us.  It was indescribably amazing… I’m so blessed to be in a business that I’m so compassionate about; marriage.  Weddings are more than just an event that is elaborately planned, it is the beginning of forever and the most important relationship that we will be in.  I even before this business even began, we have always loved talking to couples who were dating, or considering to get married, or having marriage issues or just really enjoying it.  Marriage is something that is not for the weak.  It’s the greatest thing for us here on earth, but it takes a lot of work.  Sometimes work that some are not willing to do unfortunately… But, when I meet people like Mat who are so in love, who are so willing to do whatever it takes, who are so happy to make their loved one happy, it is truly fulfilling.  I didn’t get to meet Hila until their wedding rehearsal, but I was so excited to meet who Mat was so in love with!  And let me tell you… oh my goodness!  Was it worth the wait or what?!  They were one of the kindest, most friendly couple out there.  Simply nice!  I came home telling my wife of how awesome their rehearsal was and how I felt so prepared and stress free going to their wedding the next day.  And, sure enough… it was awesome!  As it should be.  Every family member and friends were so delightful to meet.  Mat was just handsome and ready to meet his naturally beautiful bride, Hila.  Yes, it was magical!  The decorations were just stunning especially their chuppah!  Wow!  I have never seen one like that… The color were well coordinated.  The emotions stirred up the bride and groom during the ceremony, and like I always do, I too choked up again.  :)  Mat and Hila, thank you for making marriage such a beautiful thing!  I’m so thankful that I got to meet you guys and celebrate your wedding with you.  Thank you for all that you have done, and blessings on your marriage!