Jeon Family / McDaniel Farm Park

I never thought that I would be where I am today… especially as a father… it’s an experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world.  So, when we see families like the Jeons, it warms my heart to see such loving parents who dedicate themselves to raise amazing children.  Yes, this couple has four cutest little ones that are under 5.  I know!  Aren’t they the cutest kids EVER?  Like seriously… it can’t get any cuter, folks.  Every single one of those faces has so much personality… I just can’t get over how creative our God is.  How is it that there are over 7 billion people and we are all so unique?  Wanda isn’t a mom just at home, but she is at her workplace too.  She delivers babies for a living!  Yes, she’s an amazing midwife and is the most patient caregiver we have ever witnessed.  Wanda and Danny both work so hard to provide and educate their kiddos and instill Godly teachings.  How blessed are they to be raised in such a loving household?!  As parents, we know and understand that these family portraits are more than just pictures themselves.  I know even for us that when we see our pictures, it moves us… sometimes into tears to see our happy little family.  It makes me reminisce all the fun and hard times that we had to go through to get to where we are, what we accomplished together as a family and how much it was all worth it.  It motivates us to work harder for our kid’s future, our future, our world’s future.  Danny and Wanda, thank you for being amazing… thank you for everything you do for your precious children.  We hope that when you see these pictures, that it will move you to tears to realize the beautiful family you have that’s priceless and so valuable.  As parents ourselves, we are so proud of you and can’t wait to see how much they grow in the next year until our next portrait session!  We are very grateful that you come to us to allow us to capture your stunning family.  We love you guys!