Moll Family Portraits / Roswell Mill

Um… Can this mom and dad look any better?  How can they look more amazing as they age and as they have more kids?   Guys, please tell me your secrets… I am in need of them!    But really… Isn’t this family the sweetest?  The most beautiful?  Life is passing by so fast… Wow… just last year, Reed was pregnant with her son, and here he is now.  I just love family portraits!  It symbolizes what is love is… It symbolizes what unconditional love is.  These days, every time I check the mail, I get at least one Christmas card, and it just warms my heart every single time.  Everyone in the family looks at it and says, “Awe………!”  And then we put it on the fridge.    As it gets crowder and crowder, we know that Christmas is getting closer and closer.  Spending just an hour every year with this fam refreshes me!  Can’t imagine being their family or close friends!  Reed and Aaron, thank you both for the opportunity to create these photos for your family.  You guys look so happy and we are happy for you!  Have the merriest Christmas, and we can’t wait to see you all again next year!