Christen + Sean / St.Petes Beach Wedding

This wedding was special in so many ways... First, it was in Florida.  Hello?!  And, it was Christen + Sean's wedding!  I've been waiting a year and a half for this day to happen.  They booked us way in advance, so I was so happy to finally see this amazing couple again.  AND... wait for it... My wife got to come with me!  Woot woot!  Busy from taking care of our kiddos at home, my wife usually doesn't come to shoots with me, but when it was in Florida AND it was Christen + Sean\'s wedding, she couldn't resist.  ;)  And oh yeah, she got to spend 9 hours on the road with me.  ONE way!  ;)  Here's a little, funny video we made during our road trip, so check it out!  :) hehe Ok, back to our couple.  I take away something special from every wedding... From this wedding, I take away the importance of friendship.  I was awed by how close this couple was to each guest member there.  It didn't matter if they were family or friends because they all seemed like family.  They treated us like family too...!  I will never forget the hospitality that the entire bridal party and the couple's family showed us.  As soon as we walked in, Christen's mom greeted us and pointed to the food and drink we were welcome to.  Just so nice!!!!  This couple truly knows what honor is... how to respect those that have been there for them through all the thick and the thin that life have brought.  Their family was so tight!  Everyone genuinely celebrated this couple's marriage, and you could just feel the love that exuded from everyone.  My wife and I absolutely loved having heart felt conversations with the bride and groom's family... about how proud they were of their kids.  They seemed so fulfilled and thankful and grateful that their children were making right choices.  And as a parent myself, it gave me so much hope for my kid's future.  And let me tell you how much this group could party!  Wow!  From the beginning to the end, the energy in the room NEVER stopped.  I don't know if I'm just getting old or what, but I don't think I can dance like that for hours nonstop.  I was literally just amazed at the fun that everyone had.  It was a true celebration and the joy in the room was just contagious.  That right there made me realize that that's what life is all about.  What a blessing Christen + Sean are to have family and friends to stick by their side and love on them!  There's nothing better than that... Guys, you were both so incredibly beautiful inside and out.  We are so blessed to call you clients.  Thank you for your kindness... thank you for trusting us with every pose, every step we asked you to take.  You guys never complained... Your smiles never faded... We are so grateful!  Really, really!  What an amazing marriage you guys will lead and show this world how strong marriage can be.  Christen + Sean, it was an honor... and again, congratulations...