Hailey + Shawn / Studio Engagement Portraits & Waterfall

A few years ago when I was still working at our church, Victory World Church, I meet Hailey, who was a part of our ministry school there.  She helped a lot especially when there were special events and I quickly took notice of her creative skills.  She has a gift in knowing how to judge the style of something… FAST!  So, decorating was definitely something that came easy to her.  Then, one day, she expressed her desire in photography.  Because of her creative eye, photography came very natural to her as well.  Her framing was great and I just knew that I could trust her with our photo booths when those opportunities came.  Sure enough, she did an excellent job… not just with the photos, but with her personality that shines when she interacts with guests.  Well, some changes came about in her life and she moved to Colorado.  My wife and I were so bummed because she was someone that we really wanted to train up to be one of our second shooters.  But, we knew that the Lord was calling her into this season so we wished her the best!  We saw her through social media and one day, we saw that she got engaged!  THEN!  We found out that her and her finace, Shawn, were moving back to ATL!  We were like, “what…???”  Hailey contacted us back and we were so happy when she wanted to get back on board with us to second shoot.  She then inquired us for her wedding photos, and we were SO HAPPY!  And, SO HONORED!  So, I finally got to meet Hailey and Shawn as a couple and talked over coffee for hours!  We just clicked!  My wife wasn’t able to come out that evening, so they came over to our home one day and we just talked about life… We just love them!  They balance each other so well, and we can only see a bright future ahead of them… they’re both so gifted and I love how passionate they are!  But most importantly, they love the Lord and desire to please Him first and foremost and for that, I respect and admire them.  Since then, we have become friends and we hope that our friendship will grow stronger and deeper.  When we meet, we just talk… for HOURS!  We just love to laugh about all sorts of things and sometimes even cry… We share about everything!  Well, I am so happy to be sharing these amazing engagement portraits of them… portraits that really represent their personalities, their relationship and love for one another.  Portraits that show how the Lord has blessed them and will continue to bless them for all the days to come.  I am stoked about their upcoming wedding later this month.  We are going to have a blast celebrating the union of these two!  Hailey and Shawn, thank you for choosing us.  It just means so much to all of us… the timing of how you came back here is just incredible and it’s just prove to me yet again in how God always provides in His most perfect timing.  Thank you for helping us and our family so much.  For being so dependable and joyful in ALL that you do.  May the Lord continue to bless you in all your future endeavors.  We know that you will do everything with excellence.  We are both so excited for you guys!  CONGRATULATIONS and see you on your wedding day soon!  We love you!