Luanne + Henry / Loews Hotel & Flint Hill Wedding

This wedding defines the phrase, "a wedding to remember". I mean, how many weddings have you been to that stopped a major parade on a major street of a major city?? THIS ONE! After their first look portraits, I realized that there was a St. Patrick's Parade going on, and I decided to just be brave and take my bride and groom out there. The reaction was pretty much unforgettable. People cheered so much that it sounded like a roar in a football stadium. I will never forget this wedding.... It felt like a dream. Especially when I saw the biggest smiles on Luanne and Henry. Knowing that this magical moment will be cherished by them forever... wow! What a feeling! Definitely a wedding photographer's dream come true. They were so brave too, and I'm so thankful that this happened. The ONLY thing that I just wished was a footage of this.... ah! So wished that I had a video clip to share with you all... Oh well... can't have it all, I guess. ;) That was just the highlight of this couple's wedding. The entire day was just amazing.... Let me just be quiet and let the pictures speak for themselves. Luanne and Henry, it was a pleasure. Thank you both so much for making my job so fun!