Mia + Jesse / Vienna Austria, Schönbrunn Palace & Vineyard Wedding


On this Wedding Wednesday, we are so happy to present to you Mia + Jesseʼs wedding blog. Yes, every wedding is special of course, but this wedding was very special to our family personally and professionally because of who this bride has been in our lives. God brought us all back together only about a year ago at a wedding where she was a guest and I was the photographer. We go way back to probably more than 10 years ago when we met her at a youth ministry (where my wife was and I were working at the time) when she was just a teen. Well, she has now grown to be a beautiful lady inside and out. Because of her interest in photography, we reconnected and she became one of our second shooters. An amazing one! We could always count on her. If she signed up, she showed up.

And when she showed up, she gave her best. She was excellent in everything she did. Never complained about anything! My wife and I always said to one another that with work ethic like that, it doesnʼt matter what she goes into, she will be successful. When she told us about Jesse, we were stoked. But, we were like, “wait... where? What? Austria? Wait. Europe??!” Sometimes, good news brings new chapters for everyone. When she told us that her wedding will be in Austria and that she would actually stay and live there, we didnʼt know how to feel. We felt torn... But of course, we were all so happy for her. Our kids too... You see, this really affected our three kids as well. Even tonight, we showed them all these photos, and our youngest immediately said, “I miss Mia...” She was our babysitter too. Someone that we trusted. She adored our kids and they adored her back.

Everything about her is so likable. Even though sheʼs not here with us, I know that we will continue to keep in touch and have reunions when they one day visit Atlanta and us in Vienna! I know you guys want to see the pictures, so I wonʼt keep this long although itʼs very hard not to, but I will forever call this wedding the dream wedding. Itʼs truly a princess meeting her prince. I mean, how many of us get to do this in Europe out of all places? The scenery was breathtaking! Thereʼs just no word for the beauty of this city and how amazing the bride and groom looked. Really, they both looked like they stepped out of a magazine. I told my wife that everyone here is so good looking. I was literally intimidated by everyoneʼs looks. LOL #TrueStory I know that Mia and Jesseʼs lifelong dream came true, but so did mine! :) This definitely was a wedding photographerʼs dream. Oh and I have to mention their family and friends. This was an intimate wedding... Every guest had such strong relationship with the bride and groom... I know that these friendships will truly last a life time. And the family... wow... let me just say that thereʼs was not a dry eye including mine. They were so kind to me... so generous and just so nice! I will forever be grateful for that... Through the thick and thin, this family have stuck together and have always been there for one another. Life sometimes brings struggles, it sometimes brings overflowing joy, but no matter what, with love we can get through it all. I really sensed such a strong bond between everyone. I am so honored to have witnessed such an example of

true love and to have been a part of it. This has been an incredible experience for me, and I really thank Mia and Jesse and their family for it. Jesse, I hope to get to know you more! Hope to double date with you guys one day. We miss you both... May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. We love you guys! Thank you for everything...!