Ah Hyun + Alex / Loew's Hotel & Park Tavern Wedding at Piedmont

Piedmont Park Loews Hotel Park Tavern Wedding Portraits_0097.jpg

Do you guys remember Ah Hyun + Alex from April?  (Just realized that was A + A + A. hehe)  Their stunning engagement shoot from the Athens Botanical Gardens was one to remember.  We got so much great feed back from that shoot, so check it out here if you missed it.  

Well, we were so happy when their wedding date finally arrived and as expected, it was one incredible day.  From the beginning to the end, everything went well.... like everything.  "How could it be?" is what we wondered all day. It was so relaxing that we thought we were in a wedding dream.  :)  Ah Hyun and her bridesmaids were so nice and respectful and helpful.  They were on time and really followed the timeline that we all planned together.  Ah Hyun was simply gorgeous and was so photogenic!  She even called me, "Uni" which means "older sister" in Korean which really touched my heart.  "The sweetest bride" award definitely goes to this bride!!!  The first look was approaching, and we just couldn't wait for Alex to lay his eyes on his beautiful bride.  When the time came and he turned to see her, the smile on Alex was THE biggest one we've seen yet!  Through hundreds of photos during their engagement shoot and wedding photos combined, that moment was the happiest we've ever seen Alex.  His joy was contagious... We couldn't even stop smiling as we were taking photos.  Their wedding party was inside waiting and taking photos on their phones as they witnessed the couple's first look and just couldn't stop oooooing and awwwwwwing.  (Is that how you spell that?)  

We had the best time taking some portraits at the Loew's Hotel... it's really one of our fav hotels to shoot because the staff is so awesome to work with.  The rest of the day just flowed so well.... the ceremony was beautiful and their family and friends really enjoyed the reception.  One of the highlights as photographers for us was when Craig noticed the astounding sunset outside. We asked the couple if they would be willing to go outside just for a few minutes to take a photo with the sunset as the backdrop.  Without any hesitation, they agreed and in 10 minutes, our fav shot of the day was captured.  This was the way it was all day.... Ah Hyun + Alex gave us their COMPLETE trust as their photographers.  I cannot express to you how much that means and what that does to us creatively.  We had the best time and I was bummed to say goodbye to our new friends at the end of the night.  Ah Hyun + Alex, we are sincerely so grateful for you!  What a joy and honor it was to be part of your wedding journey over the last year.  Photographers always talk about what their "ideal clients" are, and wow... you guys fit that definition for us in every way.  We wish you guys the best... we hope and pray for God's continued blessings upon you.