Nicole / It's My Birthday!

The Avalon Birthday Portraits Atlanta_0024.jpg

My personal trainer's motto is "You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of anyone else."  She says this to me all the time.... to stop feeling guilty for treating yourself.  She doesn't mean to be "full of yourself", but she's trying to make the point that making sure you're taken care of is a very healthy thing that affects everyone around you.  I begin with this because Nicole is great at that!  She is turning 40, and one of the ways she is celebrating it is to do a photo shoot to document how beautiful and fabulous she is!  And, she is indeed! First of all, she doesn't look anywhere near 40 and she is just rocking the outfits that she picked out for herself.  I love that she brought no one, but herself!  Yes, it is great to treat yourself!  Watching her made me feel so free... She is so proud of who she is, her accomplishments and ready to taken on more of this life.  Her confidence is very attractive!  She is a hard working woman who is very excellent at what she does.... very well accomplished and just an all around amazing woman!  Nicole, we had so much fun laughing and walking around Avalon with you... The weather was great, the scenery was great, and YOU were great!  Continue to be amazing and we hope to document your life every year!  Enjoy your photos!  

With much love,

Craig + Unchong