Emily + Aaron / Piedmont Park & High Museum Engagement

There are things in life that are unexplainable... no matter how many studies, surveys or tests have been made, some things are just beyond our comprehension.  It just can't be "figured" out.  Love is one of those things, don't you agree?  As a believer, the greatest love I know is the one that Jesus exemplified to us all... Because of His love for us, we are able to show love to others especially to the one we vow to cherish and to honor for the rest of our lives.  I can't get over the fact how finding "the one" in your life is such a miraculous thing.  How God can bring two people together out of literally billions of others in the world... Two people who are so perfect for one another.  But then again... how great and awesome is our God!  

We have been following Emily + Aaron's story on social media for awhile.  Just like anything in life, we can choose to use things for good or bad. This couple knows how to use social media for good and to make a positive impact. Their story really stood out to us... We had a secret dream that when they get engaged, we would have the honor of capturing their love story.  Well, it's amazing how God gives us little whispers sometimes and how when you obey it, good things happen.  He made our secret dream come true.... We were so stoked when they said that they loved our photography style and here we are now blogging their engagement portraits!  WOOT WOOT!  Even though we've never hung out as couples before, it was amazing how connected we felt when we met them at Piedmont Park.  Emily is a strong, amazing woman of God who knows how to have faith in Him no matter what circumstance life may bring.  She is such a joy to be around... And Aaron!  What an example of love this man has!  He has stood by her and adored his lady from the beginning unconditionally.  The way they speak of one another, the way they gaze at each other  all just show the deep love that they have for Jesus and His amazing ways.  

This week has been a reminder for us that life is beyond what we can grasp.  It reminded us to reprioritize and to really reexamine our lives and know what's truly meaningful and has value in our lives.  I'm so thankful to celebrate with this couple... their togetherness!  Oh, how sweet it is to be with our loved one and to do this life together.  Sometimes, we take the ones we love for granted because life in our society can just become overwhelming and busy.  But, we can't allow that to overtake our lives or the love we have to the ones God gave us.  Love is to sacrifice and as Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation, we are to show that in our actions. Emily + Aaron, you guys are such an inspiration.... such an example to those around you.  You have made an impact on us already and we can't wait to witness all that you'll continue to do to glorify our God in incredible ways.  Thank you for being who you are.  Your relationship means so much to this world... it gives the world so much hope, faith and love.  We are so ready to celebrate your wedding day with you!  The day you can call each other husband and wife.  What a day it will be!  Thank you for giving us the honor to partake in something that is simply magical.  We love you guys and hope that these photographs remind you daily that your love for one another is beautiful...