Williams Family / Downtown Norcross Portraits

Spring time.... although it doesn't begin til March, it gives me a sense of a "new beginning".  The air seems lighter and fresher.  As the flowers bloom, more colors are added into our world making it even more beautiful.  The days are longer making us want to be outside more and more and just spend quality time with our loved ones making memories with each other.   With spring weather, we all desire less to be starring at our devices and do simpler things like playing catch or flying a kite with ones we love being around.  

Looking at these photos of this family makes my senses feel all that.  It was a pure joy seeing this family of six love on one another.  Look at those bright, beautiful smiles!  Yes, priceless indeed!  I can't help but go, "aw.......!" at every photo.  This family truly knows how to have fun and you can tell that they adore one another.  Our kids are a little younger, and we are learning more and more that parenting is the hardest job in the world.  I've had numerous jobs in my life, but really, parenting has been the most challenging and the most humbling.  But, as hard as it can be, we all know that joy outweighs it all and meeting this family also made me want another boy too.  :)  I mean, how perfect is having two girls and two boys??  We have two girls and one boy and he is asking us for a little brother almost everyday these days.  It breaks our hearts hearing that and wish it was that simple to just have another child, but as we all know, it's not.  So, we will leave that all up to God and see how He leads us because we are definitely "done".  :)  

I love meeting families like this where they are a few years ahead of us and it makes me get a vision for our family.  I can't believe that our family portraits will soon be where we won't really have a "baby" anymore.  It's so bitter sweet... These parents have raised their four children so well.  So excellently... so lovingly.  It's very apparent, and I admire and appreciate parents like them.  Parents who genuinely care for the well being of their children.  Family portraits are more than just photographs.  It's a reminder of how thankful you really are for your family.  It allows you to just stop for a moment and reflect on how we have all matured, to reflect on how we have overcome all the difficulties of life together as a team, to reflect on how good God really is to us and that He has given us something that we value the most.  It brings tears to my eyes, and we are grateful that we can give such a precious gift to families.  Williams Family, we are thankful for you!  Thank you for reminding us that life is a gift and that it's beautiful.  Hope to make this our annual tradition with you guys!  Take care!