Petra + Paul / Four Oaks Manor Wedding

Looking back on our wedding day, so many things went right and so many things went wrong... or I should say, "not as planned".  One thing we can't forget even if we tried was that it rained.  Rained "cats and dogs". Alllllllll day!  The day before and the day after were perfectly fine. :) It rained so much that we couldn't even attempt to go outside.  So yes, we didn't have one outdoor picture. Not even one!  Can you believe that?  All that to say... when it rains on any of our couple's wedding day, it hits home for me because I can totally relate to the way they're feeling. It doesn't matter how many times people tell you that "it's going to be ok", you're heart is totally broken.  So, because we understand that much more, it is our mission to do whatever we can to still deliver epic outdoor photos for our clients. Yes, there are limitations with, but we do what we can with what we got. 

Well, it rained on Petra + Paul's... but, we were determined to not let that affect our creativity! Rain can actually make the most creative photos, and we are so happy and pleased that you wouldn't even be able to tell that it was a rainy day on some of the photos. Well yeah, the umbrellas give it away, but I love the fact that Petra and Paul kept their smiles and did not allow their circumstances to steal their joy.  Even the family and guests!  I loved seeing everyone laugh and just have a great time. Gosh, isn't that what weddings are all about?  I think our society has put a lot of pressure on wedding planning and all the unnecessary, nitty gritty details, because in the end, all that matters is you getting married to the love of your life in front of those who truly care and love and support you. Petra and Paul's wedding was beautiful "inside and out" to me. Did the rain affect it?  Sure it did, but just like anything in life, there are some things that are totally out of your control and you have to just learn to still embrace it, work around it and make the best out of it. And that's what we all did and I'm so delighted to present to you all the captured moments of Petra + Paul's beautiful wedding. Enjoy...!