Ah Hyun + Alex / Athens Botanical Gardens & UGA Engagement

I love it when couples choose locations that is sentimental to them!  Ah Hyun + Alex knew from the beginning that their portraits will be in Athens, at University of Georgia where they first met.  We started off at Athens Botanical Gardens and then went to downtown Athens at UGA...  Because it was peak of spring, we expected the gardens to have flowers, but not flowers galore!  WOW!  I felt like we were in flower dreamland.  Everywhere we turned were vibrant colors of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen!  Like really, really, really... My brain was about to blow up from all the ideas.  BUT!  We really paid a price to be amongst the beauty of this garden. :) There were probably more mosquitoes than there were flowers.  You know how gnats swarm?  Well, I learned on this day that mosquitos can too!  At first, we really thought they were gnats!  They were everywhere... they weren't just annoying us, they bit us!  You can't see them in the photographs, but trust me, they were there!  We felt so awful because our beautiful bride had numerous bites on her legs especially.  :(  But, they didn't complain once.  How is that possible?  And, that wasn't the only price.  We saw the longest rat snake just casually crawling around.  I know... crazy, right?  For one of the poses, a little garden snake crawled on our couple's feet, but they didn't even freak out and move!  They stayed there until I was done shooting and then told me about it.  I was literally so amazed at the patience of this couple and how fearless they were.  If that was me and my wife, we would have screamed and ran.  Well, my wife would have.  ;)  Looking at these photos, you would think that I was just making these things up!  Ah Hyun + Alex, my wife and I enjoyed every second with you guys.  We loved getting to know you more... we loved all the laughter we shared... Thank you for trusting us even through all the craziness with the mosquitos and snakes!  We can't wait to celebrate your wedding day in September and see you guys again!