#COKids Themed Portraits / Unique Memories For a Lifetime

As parents, don’t you want to freeze time sometimes?  Don’t you ever look at your child and wonder, “Wow…. I wish she could stay like this forever.” or “I really love the stage that he’s in right now.”  As parents ourselves, we too have felt that way many times and still do…. and you know as well as I that kids grow up fast and you want to do whatever you can to remember every stage and what they liked or were into during that time.  

Being photographers, you can imagine that we have taken gazillion photos of our kids, but one day when our little girl put on her emoji shirt, an idea just came to mind!  Why not do THEMED kids’ photo shoots?  Themes that are personal and real to your child at their current age.  So, I literally sat down and thought about each one of our kids and picked out two things that really stands out about them.  So, without further ado, here's the first kid up - ETHAN!


For the longest time when we asked our son, “Ethan, what do you want to be when you grow up?”  He said, “A CROCODILE!” We were a bit concerned ;) but thought it was the cutest thing.  Well, that cute answer changed into “A FIRE FIGHTER!” one day and we were happy that he wanted to be something that humans can become. :)  He is an all around boy and as soon as Craig saw a fire fighter suit at Costco for him, he envisioned the perfect shot for our boy.  

For his second theme, we chose Legos because half the time he's home, Ethan is in his room building something with Legos.  Yes… the best toy ever invented that I’m sure all parents love although it can cause much feet pain when stepped on.  We love the creative things he comes up with!  Check out his images!


If you know our Elli, she is the fashionista of our home.  No one is into style and fashion as much as Elli in our family… Since she was much younger, she always had an eye for style much beyond her age and loved accessories like necklaces, purses, bracelets, shoes… She just loves details and is very observant in what others wear as well.  Even when going to a park, a play date or just about anywhere, she would put a necklace on, asked if her outfit and shoes matched and carried a purse full of her fav little toys.  Now, I don’t know where she got that from because really, her sister nor I are not like that.  Emma and I are both very simple.  I literally ask our Elli and get her approval when buying anything and wearing anything out.  Trust me, she will be brutally honest with you.  ;)

For her second theme, it's what sparked this whole idea!  Her love for emojis!  We happened to have an emoji floaty too, so we headed out and got a drone shot of her relaxing in her fav spot, the pool!  


Emma, our eldest, has always been very responsible and mature beyond her years.  Since she was much younger, she LOVES to read.  There has been numerous times when we had to ask her to put her book down so that we could eat or go out.  Her fav book, “The Action Bible” that she got from Cross Church has been so worn out from her reading it many times.  She puts her mama and daddy to shame when it comes to reading... :)  There was no doubt that books were going to be her first theme.  

For Emma's second theme, we chose her violin.  Since she was three years old, she could pick out the sound of a violin in a song and fell in love with it…. She begged us for lessons and finally last year, her dream came true.  Music and her violin is such a big part of her now.  We hope and pray that she will continue to practice and learn and grow to play beautiful sounds for the Lord!

We had the most wonderful time getting these shots for our children and will treasure these forever.  Can't wait for the time when we will all sit together and look at these photos and remember these specific things about our kids and share these with them as well as our grandchildren!  Because it's so precious to us, we wanted to share these ideas with you all too!  Being parents ourselves, we know that you'll love photos like these for your own children.  Contact us today so that we can start planning your session.  We will guide you in every step so don't worry about the details.  We have a questionnaire form for you to fill out so that we can learn about your child and your family's specific photographic needs.  Fall is peak season for portraits, so let's talk sooner than later!  Can't wait to see you guys at your next session!


Craig & Unchong