2017 Weddings at a Glance

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2017 was filled with the most stunning weddings that we've shot to date.  This year has been even more special because we got to shoot more as husband and wife.  Experiencing these weddings together has made our life more adventurous and fun and bonded us in ways we never had a chance to.  We have seen so much together and learned so much about one another as co-workers and spouses and overall, we have realized that we are more in love with one another and weddings now more than ever before!  

We wanted to share with you the 37 weddings that we have captured in 2017 in one blog post. We have chosen one photo from each wedding that stood out to us and why. It was VERY difficult to choose just one, but we did it, so check it out!  When you tap on the couple's name on each list, you will be able to see their entire wedding blog post.  Like their venue?  I have made it into a link to their site for your convenience to check them out!  You're welcome. ;)

1.  Ashlee + Jon / Intercontinental Buckhead & Christ the King Cathedral Wedding

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How many of you know that Georgia's weather is pretty unpredictable?  Yeah, I think many of us have been experiencing that in the recent days.  Well, the day before Ashlee + Jon's wedding in Jan of 2017, they were predicting an ice storm.  So.... we took no chances.  There was no way that we were missing a wedding, so the night before, we got a hotel in downtown Atlanta across the street from where Ashlee's wedding was going to be held.  We thought that if worse comes to worst, we can just walk to where she was.  The temps were in the teens and the rain did freeze, but we were prepared!  Although it was literally freezing and a few things didn't go as planned, nothing was going to take away Ashlee's smile on her wedding day.  You can't see it in this pic, but the balcony that they're standing on had ice all over... But, you would never know because this couple chose to have joy and they decided that as long as they had one another in each other's arms, everything was going to be ok...

2.  Yewande + Elvin / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

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This picture gets me every time.... All I can do is imagine our girls' future weddings and having this moment with them.  What a bitter sweet moment it will be... and what a hot mess I'm going to be.  Yewande's expression here says it all.  I can sense that she is so appreciative of everything her father has done to raise her and the love that they have for one another is something nothing can take away.  

3.  Taren + Harrison / Perimeter Church & 550 Trackside Wedding

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If you know us, we are Disney fanatics, and we can't help but think of Beauty and the Beast when we see this photo.  Taren was definitely a princess and Harrison was her perfect prince.  Their day was filled will romance, and it truly was a magical day... Just like the way we feel when we are at Disney.  :)  

4.  Rachel + Kyle / Juliet Chapel Wedding Portraits


Rachel + Kyle chose to have an intimate wedding in the mountains.  We always say, "simpler the better", and we will always remember this wedding as the one that had quality over quantity.  You don't need too much for weddings to be successful unlike what others may tell you, and Rachel + Kyle's wedding was proof of that.  You won't believe it, but this mountain had cow poop everywhere, but that didn't stop us... we all went up and got this epic shot for this amazing couple and had a great time doing it.  

5.  Ali + Tommy / Christ the King + Piedmont Park Greystone


There are so many things we will remember from Ali + Tommy's wedding, but one of the sweetest thing is that the short part of the veil that Ali is wearing is from when she was christened as a baby.  Isn't that adorable or what?  The fact that her parents kept it all this time is in itself so sentimental and heart warming... I know that when we at times look at our kids' baby items, it really warms our heart like no other.  

6.  Asia + Ansu / Swan House Wedding (Atlanta History Center)


The moment before a bride walks down the aisle is the highlight of her day... Her emotions are everywhere as she realizes that at the end of this walk, her life will change forever.  She will depart from her parents who have lovingly raised her and will now link her arms around her husband til death do them apart.  The eyes of everyone she loves and cares for are on her as they gaze at her beauty.  It's quite a moment and this shot visually expresses that so well.  

7.  Petra + Paul / Four Oaks Manor Wedding


Friends who truly support and love you is essential to the success of a wedding.  It poured on Petra + Paul's day, but it was one joyous day and that's all that matters.... This photo reminds me that at the end of the day, this right here is what's most important.... the love between the bride and the groom... And oh yeah, loving the glow sticks!

8.  Nicole + Robert / The Crafty Hog Smyrna Wedding 

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As you guys know, we LOVE shooting cars, but this is not just a car.... it's a car we literally chased down!  As we were shooting down the street from here, we saw this car pass and Craig waved him down, and although the driver waved back, he didn't stop.  LOL  So, we hurried into our car with our bride and groom and followed him, and he stopped at a nearby gas station.  (Craig is fearless especially when he wants a car in a shot!)  We followed him into the gas station and had Nicole roll down the window and ask if we could take a pic with his car.  No one ever says no to a bride... ;)  He told us that he saw us, but couldn't stop earlier because he was out of gas!  The driver was super duper nice and can you believe that this was taken in the back of a gas station?  Again... location doesn't matter!  We all had the best time with this little adventure and will definitely remember it forever!

9.  Winona + Gavin / Roswell Georgia Wedding


As parents, meeting parents of our couples at weddings is very special.  What they're going through in their kids' stage of life seems far away to us now, but I know and I've been warned that it will be here before we know it.  I learn a lot from them.... Winona's mom is one we will remember in a special way for sure.  She was so dedicated to all of her daughter's needs and Winona did not take it for granted.  Their bond as mother and daughter was inspiring and I couldn't help but hope that it would be just like that with our girls.  Her parents came straight from China just for her wedding and because it was their anniversary, Winona gifted them with a portrait session!  How awesome, right?  Few days after their wedding, we did a shoot with her parents in Atlanta, and Winona had to translate everything for us!  Even with the language barrier, we still laughed so much and had a great time.  This family definitely goes in the books as the sweetest!

10.  Melissa + Jeff / Chateau Elan Winery Wedding


It ain't a wedding until we see some partying going on!  As married photographers, we love seeing our couples have FUN on their wedding day.  We know and value the fact this day will only come once, and it's so awesome to see smiles on top of smiles on our clients.  Sometimes when we haven't seen our bride and groom dance as much, we encourage them to because it will be over in a blink of an eye.  The most common comment we get at the end of the night is, "It went by so fast!"  Yes, a wedding day especially does... We loved seeing Melissa + Jeff truly have an amazing time.  

11.  Rhandi + Jon / Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Wedding 


I had the hardest time choosing just one photo from Rhandi + Jon's wedding... We seriously had magazines and other wedding companies literally fight over their photos to get exclusivity.  The weddings from these photos have been featured and published all over the place... so much that I honestly can't even keep up with it and have stopped posting about where it has been featured.  It was not just in a magazine, but on the COVER!  That was our first cover... what an honor that so many vendors have been liking them, so for that, we thank all of you!  Out of hundreds of photos from this wedding, we chose this one because this right here was the most beautiful thing we saw in all of our 2017 weddings... A bride and groom intimately praying together.  Now, what better thing can you do with your spouse than that?!  A marriage with Christ as the center will never be broken, and it was awesome to see them begin their journey this way...

12.  Fraderica + TJ / Westin Buckhead & The Ballroom at the Carlos Center

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Working with Fraderica and TJ was amazing!  You see, Fraderica is a bride who professionally has an experience in modeling, so it was a very different experience for us as photographers.  Not much direction in posing was needed at all.  She just knew how to best pose herself.... we just needed to position her in the right lighting and when we said, "Show me some movement", and click after click, she gave us a different pose.  Her confidence in front of the camera made our job super easy!  (Check out their post wedding shoot at the Swan House too!)

13.  Emily + Aaron / Little River Farms Wedding


Where do I even begin with these two?  They touched our hearts in so many special ways... Our journey with them began when we heard of Emily's story on social media.  She is a cancer butt kicker and surviver, and I feel that this photo illustrates that no matter what rain, storm or situation comes to Emily + Aaron, God's grace will always be flowing down and covering them.  And, together through His grace, mercy and love, they will conquer it all.  

14.  Sarah + Tyler Little River Farms Wedding


Dress of the year award goes Sarah!  Yes, her dress was my personal favorite!  Just look at that gorgeous gown... It fit Sarah PERFECTLY!  It was trendy, yet classy at the same time.  She looked very feminine, modest, and glamorous all at the same time!  It was elegant and the champaign satin layer under the beautifully detailed lace was jaw dropping!  I wanted to ask her if I could borrow it so that I can marry Craig again, but I didn't want to be a weird photographer, so I kept my mouth shut.  :)   

15.  Noren + Arsalaan / South Asian Wedding North Carolina 

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This wedding too was on the cover of the Trends magazine!  Wow... what an honor!  Not just one, but TWO weddings this year were on the COVER of a magazine, and we can't be more grateful.  Noren + Arsalaan, as you can see are a stunning couple, and we had so much fun shooting their wedding in Charlotte, NC for a couple of days.  Loved being away for a little while and seeing new places was definitely fun for us!  

16.  Tanekka + Robert / 200 Peachtree Southern Exchange


Don't these two look like the sweetest folks you've ever seen or what?  And, they are just like that on the inside too... beauty truly comes from within, and this couple really are great examples of that.  Even after hundreds of weddings, we anticipate to see how our couples will react when they see their photos.  Let me tell you... Tanekka really set the bar high for that because we've never had someone thank us so much!  Say what?  She sent us many emails thanking us and how she loved all of her photos so much that she waaaay over-picked images for her album, so she had a hard time deleting a few and then just gave up at the end.  It's a good problem to have for sure!  And for that, we are humbled and feel grateful!  Tanekka + Robert, we thank YOU!  xoxo!

17.  Ashton + Victor / Chateau Elan Vineyard


Need I say more?  Just look at it... This goes down as my fav group shot of 2017.  It just looks like a painting to me!  You would never know it was like 100 degrees and felt like 115 degrees on this day, but this group handled the heat very well!  And if you want a glamorous wedding, Chateau Elan definitely should be at the TOP of your list!  This venue just never disappoints... the staff is excellent, and it always makes us feel like we are at a destination wedding!

18.  Nina + Frank / Venue 92 Woodstock


First look... the groom's reaction is what makes it epic and memorable!  Frank definitely gave us our most favorite reaction in 2017.  He was so excited to his stunning bride and was she or what?  He twirled her around, checked out her hair, makeup and every detail that Nina put together to present herself as his bride.  There are more captured reactions, so be sure to check out their entire blog

19.  Daphnee + Keniel / Chateau Elan & Ashton Gardens Wedding 


Yes, those are tears... dripping down his face... as often as we go to weddings, this never gets old. These tears really move us and always remind us why we do what we do.  Love is real and it is powerful.  Love is what moves us and compels us.... It is so sweet that Keniel is so compelled to love his beautiful bride, Daphnee.  These two will go in our books as the kindest couple to date.  Their words encouraged us so much that it brought tears to our eyes.  During their speech, they thanked us... wait what?  Yes... Their genuine kindness is nothing like we've ever seen.  A couple who thanked their vendors during their wedding speech.... wow!  Thank you, Daphnee + Keniel, you guys are amazing people.  

20.  Loren + Richard / Christ the King & Twelve Hotel


I think this photo pretty much explains itself.... I have to give a shout out to this bridal party especially, the groom's brother!  He's the one with the animated face to the left of the groom.  :)  He was the best, best man we've met and he not only took care of the bride and the groom, he took care of us too!  How nice, right?  We had as much fun as this photo expresses.... the most fun wedding party award in 2017 definitely goes to these great looking group of folks right here!  You guys were amazing!

21.  Brooke + Brooks / Willow Creek Farm Wedding


Are you surprised that I chose this picture?  As soon as he saw Brooks, Craig said that he knew that he had to do this pic for him.  The fire behind is REAL fire you guys.... Craig did this for a portrait session with our son too!  What a perfect photo of this marine!  We love honoring our country's military... if you read our blogs, I'm sure you know by now, but my dad was in the Army for almost 28 years, so seeing any soldier is so dear to my heart.  And oh my gosh... Craig and I have watched more military movies than other kind of movies.  WWII movies are THE best!

22.  Alexis + Jensen / Stone Mountain & Vecoma at the Yellow River Wedding


Oh, I just love this candid shot of Alexis + Jensen!  And, I LOVE black and white!  There's so much genuine joy in this photo... Look at that gorgeous, bright and happy smiles!  This was taken right after their first look and they were SO HAPPY!  They probably don't even remember when we took it.  Looking for these true moments on a wedding day is part of our job, and we love it!  It feels like a treasure hunt!  Sometimes, we have to be sneaky because people tend to freeze up when they see the camera or they look at the camera and smile... ;) So, sometimes we have to become 'photography snipers' in order to snap shots like this!

23.  Mona + James / Ashton Gardens Atlanta


This father of the bride gave the most heart felt speech EVER... I cried like a baby.  I just couldn't help it... what a loving father.  Anyone who has a good, loving father on this earth is so blessed.  Blessed beyond words... This wedding deserves the best reception award.  From the fantastic speeches, great food, decor and awesome dancing, music and excitement, it seemed that everyone there had such a great night. 

24.  Benny + Bella / The Atrium Downtown Wedding


Benny is a creative himself, so this duo was up for anything!  Loved being able to create new and original ideas with this couple during their wedding and at their post wedding session.  This pose may not look hard in the photo, but that wasn't the case in real life.  Benny especially had to stay like that long enough to feel the burn!  We appreciated their willingness to do whatever it took to get the shot!  Bella had many dresses that she was able to get from China, so we had so much fun with unique dresses, and Bella looked stunning in every single one of them.  They were both so sweet to work with...  I can't think of a time when neither one of them wasn't smiling... 

25.  Ah Hyun + Alex / Loew's Hotel and Park Tavern Wedding

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Who gets literally chased by a sorority group on their wedding day at a park while taking their wedding portraits?  Ah Hyun + Alex!  Yes... as we were taking photos at Piedmont Park, this group started screaming at the top of their lungs to congratulate the newly wed couple.  But it didn't end there... they came running after them and this is the pic after all the hi fives and hugs and kisses.  Awesome, right?  Hope this couple will always remember and smile every time they think about it...

26.  Ivy + Joseph / Downtown Norcross & Flint Hill Wedding


A daughter who wants to be a princess just like her mother... She got the same shoes as her mom, and she is proudly and happily wearing them.  I think I've never seen a cuter picture!  Ivy is such a loving wife and mom who dearly cares for her family, and it was so evident to us throughout her wedding day. Ivy + Joseph allowed them to take part in every aspect of their wedding and it was a beautiful sight to see...

27.  Ashley + Bobby / Grant Hill Farms Wedding


Here, Ashley is having her first look with her grandfather... there were many emotions and one that was so deep was Ashley missing her late father.  In place of him, her grandfather was there to see her, hold her, cry with her, comfort her and to tell her that she is beautiful.  What a moment it was... I had to keep wiping my camera because I kept crying too.  Well, everyone was.... Ashley + Bobby made us realize that no matter what situation life may bring, life is still good and that it's our decision and choice to make it that way.  The most happy smiles award goes to this couple.  They truly were the most genuine couple we've met yet!  

28.  Leah + Jack / Big Canoe Wedding

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Oh, the grand exit.... the big finale!  There's nothing like it!  A happy ending is what everyone wants and after all the hard work of wedding planning, I feel like all brides are thinking that it really paid off at this moment.  That it really was worth it... All the decisions, all the stress and the fun that goes into getting the details together for a wedding.  And when you finish the night off with your friends literally by your side and sparklers, yes.... it's really an awesome feeling!

29.  Mary Alice + Dylan / Little River Farm Wedding


It starts becoming really real as soon as the bride puts her dress on.  Everything becomes ready and prepared.  Love seeing the reaction of everyone when the dress is complete, but the bride seeing herself in the mirror is just priceless to me.  I feel like Mary-Alice is thinking, "It's time..."  (Steel Magnolias - my fav movie!) I totally remember that moment on my wedding day.... when you feel like your life will change forever for the better and that it will never again be the same and that's a good thing!  Mary-Alice was absolutely stunning... she had the bluest eyes Ive ever seen and they just pierced through the camera lens.  Mary-Alice + Dylan were one of the sweetest couples we've ever worked with...

30.  Patrice + Johnathan / Ashton Gardens Wedding

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Every time I see this photo, all I can say is, "Wow.... just wow...."  Look at those eyes!  Patrice + Johnathan are unique in many ways.  First, they are beautiful people.  I mean just look at them!  And... they have many talents.  They are professional models AND they dance too!  What?!  I can't even pretend to do either one of those things!  And to top that off, they love Jesus... I don't know about you, but I think they are the bomb-diggity!

31.  Erin + J.P. / The Whitlock Inn Wedding


How many folks get to have this on their wedding day?  Not very many... For us as photographers, this was the first time that we got to photograph the arch of swords.  I remember Craig getting so excited as they were setting up for this to happen!  Erin + J.P. were so happy, the soldiers looked sharp, everyone was smiling and clapping.... it was just one awesome day.  I bet that Erin + J.P. absolutely felt like a king and a queen as they walked through that arch!

32.  Latoya + Taji / Home Sweet Home Wedding

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As the world knows, when it snows in the south, we become nonfunctional.  To make a long story short, it snowed the day before LaToya's wedding, and her venue said that they have to close because it was in the mountains and all the roads froze over, so she literally last minute had to make a decision to have her wedding at her home.  Can you imagine? Now, if that happened to me, I'd be a hot mess and probably just cried my eyes out, but no, not Latoya.  Nothing will steal her joy!  And that is why I love this photo so much... Look at how happy she is!  I had so much respect for her and guess what?  Her wedding was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever seen.  The saying, "it doesn't take much" has never been so true to me.  LaToya + Taji, you guys are my wedding heroes!

33.  Amanda + Geoffrey / Yonah Mountain Vineyard Wedding

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And everyone say, "awe............."  I know!  So cute, right???  These two puppies were at Amanda + Geoffrey's engagement session too, and just when I thought things couldn't get any cuter, they came all dressed up for the wedding.  Have you ever seen a cuter family portrait?  And, the grandfather of the bride was their flower girl!  If you want to see that pic, be sure to tap on their blog post!

34.  Shin Ae + Dennis / City Club of Buckhead 


One thing we are so fortunate to experience through our job is culture!  Biased, but we loved Shin Ae + Dennis's wedding because of all the special Korean traditions they incorporated into the wedding!  As much as I am Korean, living in America, you don't get to experience those traditions much, so when I see han-boks and get to meet people straight from Korea, it blesses me so much.   Our couple got to change a few times and as you can see, their costumes were so beautiful... 

35.  Nancy + Paul / Ashton Garens Wedding


I just have to say you guys.... my husband is seriously an amazing photographer.  It's as if he has a special filter in his eye balls to make him see things in ways that a normal human can't.  This is a restaurant of a hotel and that is all I saw when I was standing there until he said, "Oh my gosh... get the bride and the groom."  As I tell our clients all the time, "Trust your photographer", I had to remind myself that too because I just didn't know what he was seeing in this place, but when I saw the pics, my jaw dropped and all the photos here are my fav from Nancy + Paul's wedding.  Good job, Craigster... good job!

36.  Laura + David / Four Seasons Atlanta Wedding

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There was no better way to end a wedding season than with Laura + David.  Look at this photo!  Isn't it epic?!  Doesn't Laura look like a royal princess being escorted by her prince?  Wow... just stunning.  Everything about this wedding was exceptional, but more than anything, this bride and groom were some amazing people.  Thank you guys for everything!

37.  Maggie + Kody / Sweet Meadow Farm Wedding


I saved this one for last on purpose because if I had to choose ONE photo from our 2017 wedding season, I choose this one as my most favorite.  Look at the colors!  The infinite field, the bouquet, the Disney pin on the groom, and.... I just love Maggie's few strands of hair that is caught in the wind.  Her smile is perfectly adorable, and I even love her lip stick color!  Love the way Kody is smiling at Maggie, and I love the way Maggie is looking at the camera.  The fall foliage is incredibly stunning in the background, and I just love this pic so much that I dared Craig to photoshop our heads onto this pic. LOL!  Just gorgeous!  AH!  

If you read this far, really.... THANK YOU!  You're amazing and hope you enjoyed it.  Looking back at 2017, we just can't be thankful enough... it has been our greatest year yet and hope for an even better year in 2018 and we wish the same for you.  We appreciate you reading our blogs and can't wait to share with you, our readers more things that we have in mind for this year.  We think that you'll really take interest and love it!  See you on our Instagram, Insta stories, and Facebook!  Here's to a spectacular 2018!  CHEERS!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong