Daniela + Paul /Atlanta Skyline & Ventanas Helipad Engagement

Downtown Decatur Atlanta Skyline Ventanas Helipad Engagement Portraits_0038.jpg

How do I even describe this engagement shoot? Epic? Fabulous? Stellar? If you have a better adjective, please do share because I think any word would be an understatement of how these images turned out. Daniela + Paul rented out the Ventanas for their shoot and wow, it was so worth it. Worth every penny! Although we’ve seen photos, we didn't know what to expect. We had access to the helipad and oh my gosh… OH MY GAAAAWD! The view was spectacular. I felt as if we were ‘inside’ of Atlanta. I’ve NEVER experienced Atlanta that way before. The perspective from this view was simply incredible! If you want a nice Atlanta skyline, this place is for you! Craig and I were talking about how we would love to do a family shoot there one day! I might wait until our youngest is older so I won’t have to stress about him falling off though. hehe

Ok, back to our couple. I just love a couple with a sense of style, and this couple has it! Don’t they look awesome? Some people just know how to pull it off. If I ever wore red shoes, I know people will be thinking, “Um…. Unchong? No, that’s not for you.” LOL But seriously, I LOVE that this couple know their style and are confident! It shows in camera and BOOM baby! They’re not just stylish… they’re so sweet and funny too. We really enjoyed talking to them and spending our evening in a beautiful place with these two. Craig especially loved the fact that Paul laughed at everything he said. LOL! And, you may be wondering where we took the shots of all the murals? That’s downtown Decatur! Daniela + Paul, you guys really knew what you were doing when choosing your locations. Thank you for being YOU and trusting us and allowing us to be creative during your shoot. We will forever remember our adventure with you… We can't WAIT to hang these prints in your home! Talk to ya’ll soon!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong