Michele + Jung / Loews Hotel & The Foundry at Puritan Mill Wedding

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Did you know that for the first few years of our business, I wrote all of our blogs “as Craig”. If you know our business story, I began helping Craig with our business out of pity. He started our blog since the very beginning and I used to proof read a blog here and there for him. I’m not a perfect writer by any means, but omg, he had so many grammatical errors that I just decided to write them myself as him. It was really hard for me write because I wasn’t there. So, I always asked him three things that stood out to him from the wedding and go from there. I then took over bookkeeping… I then took over the emails. Then marketing and anything administrative that comes with the business. I tried so hard to sound “masculine” with the emails by saying things like, “Hey bro!” or “Yeah man, sweet deal” LOL! Although I handled a lot of the of the business, I still didn’t feel like a big part mostly because all of my work was on the backend of things. I didn’t have direct contact with the clients, so the connection was not there. I was just trying to help my poor husband who was working so hard running the business while working a full time job at our church. Craig kept telling me to just write everything as myself, but I just felt like it didn’t make sense. Finally when we decided to write blogs beyond just blogging our weddings and shoots, I just couldn’t disguise myself as my hubs anymore. I just had to confidently put myself out there. When the mask came off, I felt so much better and I felt FREE! Then, when we started our Instagram account, it was easier to have more connection with our brides and have a bigger part on the front end. But, when my mom moved in with us - that’s when everything changed for me. I have always wanted to help Craig at the shoots, but our kids were very little then and I didn’t want to leave them all day and night on wedding days especially. So, we always hired second shooters and assistants to help. There was more cost, but that cost was so worth me staying home to attend to our children. My mom moved in just at the right time when our kids could handle a full of day of being with my mom here and there for shoots and weddings. Knowing that they were being taken care by someone who dearly loves them was comforting for us as well. This does not mean that I go to all of our sessions now. We balance my time away from home and make sure our kids come before the business. But, attending photographing over the last few years has given me an opportunity to experience our clients in special ways. Blogging became so different and more enjoyable since I could write in my own perspective. What does this have anything to do with Michele + Jung? I share that story because going to their wedding made me realize how far we’ve come with our business over the last ten years. Being there, we felt like we were at a reunion or something. We saw many familiar faces and it was special because they were our previous clients! We even got to meet some people that I was emailing with and it was great to now know what they look like. They were all the most welcoming group… I honestly didn’t even feel like we were “at work”. Michele + Jung were the kindest and the sweetest bride and groom. And yeah… let’s talk about Michele and her dress! Oh my gaw… just BEAUTIFUL! We already had a great time at their engagement shoot and had the best time there. They knew our lingo when posing and because of the engagement session, they were now pros! They totally and completely trusted us. We know when a couple values photography, and they were one of them. It was a cold day, but they fought through it like champs! It may not seem like it at the moment, but they just trusted us in knowing that the photographs were going to be worth being cold. My fav part of the reception is the toast time. I LOVE hearing stories about the bride and groom from their best man and maid of honor. I have laughed along and cried along at every wedding and it’s the most heart warming part. I believe that words mean so much and it’s wonderful to hear positive and encouraging words being spoken in the most loving way. Until the speeches, I had no idea that Jung was so smart! An average smart person is here and Jung is way up there! Everyone that shared kept saying over and over how intelligent he is and that he’s very hard working. He apparently has significant academic accomplishments, but you know what? I would’ve never known because he’s the most humble guy. They both are! They don’t have one arrogant bone in their body.. they’re the most genuine, authentic and kind human beings ever and I really mean that. They even texted us a few days before their wedding day not about them or the wedding, but to make sure everyone on our team will be counted for the food. Knowing that I have dairy allergy (I know, so sad… it developed into a bad one over the past two years.), he told me he would take care of it. When it was dinner time, the kitchen specially prepared two plates for me. How sweet, right? I felt like a queen! I’ve NEVER eaten so much at a wedding before… first, we barely have any time or it’s a vendor meal (yuck) or it’s just not a lot of food. I was so touched and the food was mega delicious. Any photographer can relate to this… the hunger you will on a wedding day is like no other and to have warm food just like everyone else when it’s dinner time meant the world to us. For that and for EVERYTHING else, we are so grateful for you, Michele + Jung! You guys have been such a joy… thank you for being incredible individuals and now as a married couple, I know you will become even better and stronger and smarter! ;) Love you guys so much… we hope that you enjoy every photo and every moment that were captured on your big day. You are beautiful inside AND out. May God continue to bless you!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong