Chloe + Zach / A Georgia State Park Wedding

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Working in the wedding business, we have seen all sorts of wedding stories… Really, we could write a book. We’ve seen all sorts of personalities as well, and let me tell you…. Chloe + Zach’s are our fav type. Why? Yes, you got it… they’re so laid back and simply happy. Weddings can bring out a lot of stress in people. We’ve been there, so we totally get it and completely understand. But, Chloe is not like that. She doesn’t let things bother her or stress her out in any way. I loved the way she saw the best in everything, every situation, and everyone especially Zach. They totally love one another and just “get” each other. Chloe chooses to see the positive and loves to laugh and have fun in everything. Before their first look, Chloe looked stunning in her classy, timeless gown and then she put on her glasses. LOL! It was SO funny! I LOVED the fact that she did this. We’ve never had a bride bring comedy into a first look moment before, and it was AWESOME! I love how she loves just being herself and just have fun.

I thought the weather was going to be pretty chilly, but it was actually perfect! As you guys know, we’ve been having a lot of rain this fall, so to have the sun come out and give us some glow was great to have at their wedding especially because it was outdoors! They had the wedding at a state park, so there were many picturesque spots right there! My fav spot was in the woods where the lines of the trees were gorgeous.

It was so good to see our couple enjoy their time with their beloved friends and family! Chloe + Zach, thank you guys for reminding me not to take life so seriously and to let go and have fun. Thank you for having us and giving us the opportunity to capture the best day of your life for you! You guys were amazing! Congratulations….

With much love,

Craig + Unchong