Tawny + Neil / Southeastern Railway Museum & Lake Lanier Engagement

Southeastern Railway Museum Engagement Portraits Atlanta_0016.jpg

Stories are what makes each one of us unique because we all have a story that's none like anyone else's.  When Craig met Tawny + Neil for their wedding consultation, they shared Neil's love for trains.  As soon as Craig heard, he knew that the Duluth Train Museum would be the most perfect place for their engagement session.  So, after we set the date, they went out to check it out and loved it!  When their shoot date finally arrived, we all met there.... for me, it was my first time and I was just amazed at the place and all the history!  Seeing places in a photo and in real life is definitely different, don't you agree?  Well, as we went to different cars, it was so interesting to see the different details and the usages they had.  Neil seemed so knowledgable!  Tawny had the brightest smile... they both looked lovely!  Their choices of outfits were simply perfect for this shoot.  One thing that we all didn't plan so well was preparing for the weather!  Now, if you're a fellow Georgian, I'm sure we can all agree that we've had the longest winter ever and spring and winter have been taking turns every other day.  Well, we definitely underestimated how chilly it was going to be, but we fought it through and still enjoyed our time together.  For our second location, we went to Lake Lanier for their beautiful sunset.  Omg... this place is seriously my favorite sunset spot!  The glow that it gives as it reflects on the water is indescribably beautiful!  It did get even colder there, but Tawny and Neil were like troopers!  There's this shawl that Tawny's mom always told her to leave in her car 'just in case' because you never know...  And did it pay off to listen to mama because she really used it to warm herself up from scene to scene.  :)  It was so cute to see them bundle up under that shawl together as we were setting up for the final photo.  (See last photo!)  As we were all getting ready to leave, that's when I found out that Neil is a fellow Yellow Jacket - WHAT?!  If you don't know what that is... you should.  ;)  One thing I'm very proud of is graduating from Georgia Tech, and when I meet a fellow graduate from there, there's an instant bond and understanding that only Techies know.  He is an Industrial Designer, and I remember how students in that department worked and studied so much!  We actually overlapped a few years there, so who knows if we even crossed paths?  It's definitely a small world... Well, after we said goodbye, I texted Tawny their sneak peeks, and she sent me a photo that just wowed Craig and I.  It was a photo of a train that Neil drew in high school.  I got their permission to use it for this blog.... so here it is:


Isn't it amazing?!  No wonder he majored in Industrial Design!  I'm lucky if I can draw stick humans, and you couldn't tell the difference between my drawings and my kids.  THEN!  She sent me more photos... sweet memories of Neil and his grandfather with trains too... wow!  Check these out!

1987 Belgium_Neil (22).jpg
1989-07 Washington DC (3).jpg

We knew that Neil liked trains, but we didn't know the history of his love for them and all the memories that he has with them.  We just didn't know that he loved them THIS much!  Now, he has photos with his favorite person in the world, Tawny.  :)  We are so thankful that the museum worked out for the shoot and that we were able to make these portraits happen.  Aren't the photos Tawny sent me so precious?  It just made me realize how much we love our job even more and how precious these engagement portraits will be for Tawny and Neil's family years from now... Guys, thank you so much for sharing this with us.  We are so grateful for wonderful clients like you.  You guys are such amazing individuals and together, you are even more beautiful!  It was so special to make these memories with you....!  


Craig + Unchong