Christina + Ben / Cotton Candy Love and Piedmont Park

Piedmont Park Carnival Atlanta Engagement Portraits_0035.jpg

Christina + Ben moved to Georgia not too long ago this year and had a specific look in mind for their engagement shoot.  Christina really wanted to do a shoot at a carnival, and she found out after researching that there was one going on in downtown Atlanta.  She did all the planning by finding out what their policies were, and after we set the date, we were all excited to meet for the shoot.  Craig and I got there early to prep and we noticed that as we got closer and closer, it seemed empty.  We got there right when it was supposed to open, so we thought that maybe they just didn't open yet.  We parked our car and walked closer to the carnival, saw a few people at the gate, but no worker or anyone was inside the gate!  We tried to open the gate, but it was locked.  We all started asking each other if anyone knew what was going on.  There was a sign that clearly said that they were supposed to be open on that date and at that hour. Christina even talked to someone on the phone confirming that they were opening.  We called our couple and let them know what was going on.  Someone came over saying that on the other side of the carnival, they saw a sign that said "closed".  What?!  We were all of course so bummed because knowing that their hearts were set on this idea, we just couldn't believe this was happening.  I know that when I have my heart is set on something, no matter what, nothing else can satisfy.  Our second location for this shoot was Piedmont Park which was only a few minutes away, we decided to still do Piedmont Park and then come back the next day to finish off at the carnival.  We all called them again and made sure that they were going to open.  All we could do was trust that they were going to and give it another try.  But through all these last minute change of plans, I noticed that Christina + Ben never even expressed any frustration or anything negative.  They were so understanding and smiled the entire time and went with the flow.  I loved and appreciated how laid back they were about this whole situation and chose to not let it affect the shoot we had planned at Piedmont Park.  We all so enjoyed our time together... They were so flexible!  love seeing our couples work through things like this because life brings little and big changes.... things that are out of our control... and as a married couple, you have to become a team and work through them all, and you CAN!  I think this situation spoke so much about their character and their dynamic as a duo and their future as a married couple!  And, you know what?  The next day, the weather was even better and yes, it did open!  Whew!  They looked even more fabulous, and the shoot was SUPER fun! We had THE best time walking around and capturing these two love birds interact with one another.  It was a shoot that was something different for us too, so we loved that they came up with this idea.  All the vibrant colors at the carnival combined with their bright and joyful smiles made these pictures simply perfect!  Christina + Ben, you guys are AMAZING!  We hope you guys had fun as much as we did... thank you for everything, and we canNOT wait for your upcoming wedding to create more beautiful photos of you.  

With much love,

Craig + Unchong