Sade + Mandela / Piedmont Park & High Museum Engagement

Piedmont Park Buckhead High Museum Engagement Portraits_0025.jpg

You guys may think that we hold modeling auditions before booking our clients, right?  I mean, aren't our clients seriously some beautiful people or what?  They look like they've been modeling for years and are very comfortable in front of the camera. Sade + Mandela definitely acted like this which made our job super duper easy peasy. :)  But no... Sade is in the medical field and Mandela is an art teacher.  After this shoot however, I highly recommend a modeling career to both of them!  Also, what do you see when you look at Mandela's shirt in the photos below?  Flowers, you say?   Yeah, there are flowers there for sure which is all that I saw the first time, but take another look and let me know what you see!  ;)  Sade texted me the photos of their outfits before the shoot and I had to show Craig the pic of this shirt right away!  He said, "Whaaaaaaat?!"  hehe I just LOVED what they chose for their outfits, so I was so excited to see them in it!  As expected, they looked FABULOUS!  We had the best of time and being rebels with them was so fun!  (Inside joke) You may also notice that there's a little theme too... Sade is a hard core Harry Potter fan, so we had to do a few special shots, so be sure to scroll down and check them out!  She taught me A LOT about Harry Potter... you see, I've never seen the movie(s), so... yeah... sh... Oh!  If you're a fan too, did you know that Atlanta Symphony will be showing the movie while playing the soundtrack live?  Craig and I went to the Star Wars one and it was amazing!  We definitely recommend it!  I had to let Sade know!  The tickets are on sale now and the link will take you straight to the tickets for their October show.  You're welcome.  ;)

Learning about our couple's love story and especially what they do is so interesting to me.  There's no story that's alike and hearing someone's passion is encouraging and enlightening.  It was so awesome to learn that Mandela is an elementary school art teacher.  Now that we have three kids that are elementary age, we appreciate teachers like him even more.  Seeing what they do day in and day out is pretty incredible to me.  I volunteer at our kids school every week and just serving 2 hours a week is exhausting!  It is so amazing to me how teachers can keep so many students and their class in order when I can't even keep my own kids in order at home, and I only have three.  I think that's why teaching is such a gift and teachers are a special breed of human beings.  Love that Mandela teaches the future generation creativity... so, thank you, Mandela!  

Sade + Mandela, can you tell that we really enjoyed you guys?  :)  We really did... Even though it was my first time meeting you both, I felt like we've been knowing each other for years!  Continue being awesome and continue to allow the love between you two to grow and grow and grow.  These photos speak for themselves, and we hope that you love them!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong