Emily + Cameron / McDaniel Farm Park River Engagement

McDaniel Farm Park River Engagement Portraits_0030.jpg

Perfection.  What does that really mean?  If it doesn't exist as people claim, then how does the definition of it exist?  In my opinion, perfection is real.... it's just about perspective.  Looking through these photos once again, I remember this day so clearly because it was perfect.  As photographers, you just can't ask for clients who can be more perfect than these two.  Let's go back a little.... We first met Emily + Cameron at Emily's sister's wedding last year.  She was one of the bridesmaids!  Her sister, Erin's wedding was memorable in so many way, but the most memorable part was her family.  This family has three daughters, and they're the sweetest family we've ever met!  They were super kind to us, absolutely so easy peasy to work with not to mention they're all beautiful people who are photogenic.  When Emily contacted us with the news that she and Cameron got engaged, we were completely stoked that we would be able to reconnect with this family and their friends once more.  Yes, we do feel like family because they make us feel like it... For me, I'm an only child and my family history is a bit messy and because of that, I grew up believing that family is not related by blood at all.  It's truly only through love can the feeling of family can be real especially to those who don't have one.  I absolutely adore this them and meeting families like this really gives me so much hope.  Hope that I'm doing something right as a parent and that our kids too one day will grow up to be beautiful inside and out, meet loving spouses and live their lives in God's purpose.  Ah.... I know that it seems so far away now, but it will be here before we know it.  Cameron was the sweetest guy ever and Emily was just stunning in her floral patterned dresses.  Their hint of southern twang, their picture perfect looks and their apparent love and adoration for each other was perfection.  On top of all that.... they listened to direction so well AND they didn't complain of the scorching heat, the annoying mosquitoes and other creatures we could have ran into.  Yes, I have more reasons to love them... AND, they're so fun to talk to, to get to know.... to laugh with.  Wow, did we just wake up from a photographer's dream?  I think so.... At the end, Craig had a crazy idea because you know.... he always does.  ;)  I live and work with him 24/7, so trust me, I know!  Sometimes I get scared of his ideas, but at the same time, I always know and trust that they're GREAT, unique, outside of the box ideas.  So, I know that whatever he makes me and the clients do to get a shot, I just know it's going to be worth it.  So, there's this creek at McDaniel Farm and after it got really dark, Craig wanted to do a cool night time portrait there.  My response was, "Over there?!"  I of course had to keep it professional, so I tried my best to not show that I was scared to go there.  I just kept thinking that there would be snakes or just something that would bite me.  :)  Craig made this really neat LED light stick and with that, viola... the first picture above was created.  It was so cool and we all freaked out when we saw it in camera!  And yes, that's totally 100% in camera photo.  Gosh!  I may be biased, but my hubs is the man, isn't he?  :)  hehe Oh, Emily + Cameron, you guys were such a joy to photograph and be with!  Thank you for being perfect because to us, you are!  We hope that you guys LOVE these photos as much as we do!  Your wedding is going to be quite a celebration and we can't wait to celebrate you!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong