Christine + Eugene / The Brickyard Marietta Square Wedding

The Brickyard Holy Spirit Catholic Church Marietta Square Wedding Portraits_0057.jpg

After shooting hundreds of weddings over the years, there is one thing that’s for sure and it’s the fact that every wedding is different. Every wedding has its pros and cons, joys and challenges just like life itself. Wedding planning is one of the most stressful things that a couple has to go through together, and it’s unique in that this must be done before they are actually married! You can learn a lot about a couple, their communication skills, patience and love for one another in how they interact and handle stress throughout the wedding planning and on their actual wedding day. I begin with this because our experience with Christine + Eugene was a dream. A photographer’s dream….! We already had one great experience with them and that was at their engagement session. But, a wedding day is a different ball game and wow! I don’t go to every wedding in order to attend to our children. I so wanted to go, but hey…. you just can’t have it all, right? When I’m not there, Craig always calls me as soon as he gets in the car after the wedding and we talk on the phone until he gets home. He tells me everything about his day and I share mine with the kids, and the first thing he said was, “If only every wedding can be like this…” He didn’t have one complaint… he said the day flowed so smoothly, that every person he encountered was simply amazing, and of course, our bride and groom were fantastic to work with. Everyone was on time, it was a beautiful day and Christine + Eugene looked fantastic … what more can a photographer ask for? So, our wedding days are anywhere between 12-16 hours depending on the day, and it’s “GO, GO GO!” ALL day. One thing we have to endure is hunger and thirst because usually, there’s not even a moment when you can take a bite or a sip. But, not at a Korean wedding! :) They feed us so well and their hospitality is like no other. They treat us like family and for that, we are so grateful. Everyone constantly asks if we ate and they make sure we stop and eat, so much to the point that we have to tell them that we really have to take pictures. LOL! It’s amazing how much energy we gain from one bite of food on a wedding day. We appreciate this so much and if it’s a wedding that I have to miss, I feel so assured if it’s a Korean wedding because I know that they will take care of my husband and that he will be well fed. :) This wedding brought so many memories to us personally as well because Marietta Square is where we had our engagement portraits done almost 14 years ago and gotten our 6th anniversary portraits done when I was prego with our son! We “trashed” my wedding dress in the fountain… yes, I went in there with my wedding dress on. I know… crazy, right? OH, Christine + Eugene! You guys have been so amazing…. you hired us to give you a great experience, but you know what? You did just that for us! Thank you for everything and we wish you so much joy and happiness throughout your marriage journey. We know that you guys are going to conquer life and do it well. VERY well…. We hope that you love every single one of your photos and that these will always be a reminder of how great your love for one another is.

With much love,

Craig + Unchong