Melinda + Ryan / Savannah's Cathedral of St. John the Baptist & Savannah Country Club Wedding

Savannah Forsyth Park Wedding Portraits Downtown_0064.jpg

Savannah, GA... the only memory I have of this place was when I was in high school, my mom and her friends wanted to go spontaneously from August, GA to get some fresh seafood.  So, we got there at night, had dinner and drove back!  So, I never got to see anything in daylight.. I love these out of town weddings because that means ROAD TRIP for Craig and I! Woo hoo!  The drive was only about 4 hours away, so not bad at all.... We left on a Thursday because Friday was Melinda + Ryan's tea ceremony and then Saturday was their wedding day.  Wow... Savannah is seriously gorgeous.... It's Spanish moss trees galore there and every site I saw was an epic photo opportunity.  Thursday evening when we got there, we walked around to get some dessert and guess who we ran into?  Our bride and groom and their wedding party!  They were about to get ice cream.... what?!  What perfect timing, right?  They invited us to join which was so sweet, so it was great meeting their close friends and to hang out so causally before the formal upcoming events.  The ice cream was amazing (although I had to have a dairy free one).  So, we've lived in Georgia long enough to know the heat it can bring during the summer.  I grew up in Augusta which is worse than Atlanta.  BUT!  One thing we weren't prepared for was the humidity in Savannah.  It's pretty humid in Atlanta too, but my oh my oh my oh my.... Savannah's humidity is like 50% higher.  It felt like it anyways.  ;)  You just couldn't breathe.  And yes, we of course sweat during summer weddings, but we got drenched at this one.  But, wow... our bride and groom were so good about it.  We tried our best to get the portraits done as soon as possible, but at the same time not "rush our creativity".  They were such troopers and were so wonderful to work with the entire time.  They both naturally have sweet smiles and being photogenic definitely helped the heat situation.  I would never forget driving them to the reception after portraits.... Melinda wanted to get a slushee!  There's a Savannah version of QT (I forgot the name!), and Craig and Ryan went in together to get all of us a slushee.  LOL!  I felt so bad though because Melinda wanted a banana flavored one, but they didn't have it.  Whaaaaat?!  They both had blueberry and yes, their tongues turned blue. LOL!  We all gulped it down and hydrated ourselves before the reception began.  It was wonderful to see our couples celebrate among their beloved family and friends.  Loved that we got to spend a few days getting to know this couple!  Because the tea ceremony was just first half of the day, Craig and I got to spend the other half on a date!  We walked around downtown Savannah, found a restaurant called "CO" (couldn't believe it!), and watched Mission Impossible at a theatre.  :) If you haven't seen it yet, yes... it's good!  Tom Cruise never fails!  hehe Melinda + Ryan, thank you for your hospitality and for a memorable weekend.  You guys are beautiful inside and out and you made our Savannah experience an unforgettable one.  Congratulations to you both once again and we hope that these photos will always remind you of the best day in your lives.  Best wishes to you both!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong