Diana + Vincent / Cator Woolford Gardens & Downtown Duluth Engagement

Cator Wolford gardens Downtown Duluth Engagement Portraits_0023.jpg

I usually begin a blog post with something that we LOVE about our job. But, to be honest, there are things that we don’t like too. One of them is that our job is very dependent on weather… Oy! How things would be different if it wasn’t. I dread checking the weather forecast a few days before a shoot because I don’t want to see what it has to tell me. And, we all know that forecast can be wrong half of the time. Sometimes, I really wonder if meteorologists do anything or they just make up things. But hey… you know what? Not everything about life and your job is dandy and that’s just reality! But, what I DO love is that our bride and groom are always understanding and willing to do whatever it takes. We become a team to make things happen and still create beautiful memories and capture their love story no matter what weather brings us! For us, it just challenges us to be more creative and to that we say, “bring it on!”

When things are meant to be, it just is…. Nothing can stop it. Although the forecast called for a clear evening, in the middle of our shoot, we could tell that heavy rain was about to happen. But, it happened in the most perfect time! As soon as we ended in our first location, the rain slowly began and then on the way to our second location, it poured! In the car, Craig and I got quite worried about what we should do… Should we just cancel the latter half of the shoot or what? What do we do? But then, the most beautiful rainbow showed up… It was seriously stunning. I mean, there was just no word to best describe it. Every time I see a rainbow, it’s a reminder of God’s promise to me. It gives me the most perfect sense of peace from the one that created the rainbow, the Prince of Peace. And with that feeling, as soon as we parked the car, the rain totally stopped and we were able to finish the rest of the shoot. I’m amazed at how God always provides. Wow! It’s not everyday that our clients get a real rainbow in the sky for a shot! But, for Diana + Vicent, it happened… I’m sure when I post that pic on Instagram, someone is going to ask me if that’s a real rainbow. Ha!

Diana + Vincent, you guys were so much fun! You are both beautiful inside and out and it was a pleasure getting to know you. Your wedding in the fall is going to be pretty amazing, I can tell! If you looked this good at your engagement session, I can’t imagine what you guys are going to look like on your wedding day! Fall will be here before we know it and we look forward to celebrating you!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong