Bridesmaids Gift Ideas // Bridesmaid Gifts Boutique

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This summer has been like no other… Our oldest is going to middle school in the fall, so it’s been quite a milestone for us as a family. She graduated elementary school, and I know it’s probably not a big deal for parents who have older parents, but we still can’t believe it. We intentionally try to embrace every moment with our family and this accomplishment was definitely one of them. When Bridesmaid Gifts Boutique contacted me, I knew exactly what would be perfect! I LOVE customized gifts because it makes it that much more special, and of course, we chose EMMA to be engraved onto their bar necklace. Just like the way my experience was with Craig’s mug, my experience with them with Emma’s new necklace and their jewelry organizer was excellent. First, they’re so prompt! Every time I get one of their products in the mail, I always say the same thing, “Oh wow! It’s here already?!” Yes, their service is very prompt and simply easy. How many of you agree with me that we need some of that these days? Just like the way I know I need simplicity in my life, I know our brides need an easy way to find the perfect personalized gifts for their bridesmaids that’s affordable. Bridesmaid Gifts Boutique will give you just that, so do yourself a favor and check it out! They have so many variety of options that are very modern and trendy… I chose these two items because these were what I needed and wanted most as my daughter’s gifts for her graduation. And, I actually have one for me too. hehe You’re not a bride? No worries… If you’re a lady, there are plenty of things you’d want AND you can get one for a friend too. ;)

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I got a few things to give to our Emma on her graduation day, and these two items were in her gift package. I wish I could have recorded her reaction because she loved her necklace the most, and I know because it’s customized with her name. I think personalization just makes it so much more special and allows the person receiving it feel that they were very well thought of.

A lot of custom gold jewelry can tend to look dull, but not this one. The color is very bright and crisp! Not sure if those are the best adjectives for a piece of jewelry, but I hope you get what I’m saying. :) She put it on right away… She helped me take the photos for this blog and told me today that she will be wearing it on her first day of school too… Aw!

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What did I think about the organizer? Ok, so buying things online can be a bit tricky especially when it comes to materials. I knew I liked this item and it seemed so functional and practical especially for those of you who travel a lot. I had some upcoming trips coming up, so I couldn’t wait to try it out! I was first surprised at how soft the leather was! I mean, really… it’s so soft and flexible. I honestly thought it would feel very rigid, but no, it’s so great to touch. The quality is amazing! And on top of that, it looks like a purse, so I’m definitely using this as a clutch on a date with my hubs! If you know me, I’m a huge Princess Kate Middleton fan, and if you are too, you know how she carries around a clutch all the time, right? Yeah…. would love to feel like her for a night. LOL!

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I totally love this clean and sleek look! This mama is ready to get dressed up for a hot date! LOL No pressure, Craig… :)

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Here’s the inside of the organizer! You see how you can use it as a clutch for a date night, right? Oh, I’m so loving that double functionality. I can totally put my cards in the zipper. That’s all I need anyways, so yay!

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Here are some details of the inside… You can see where the earrings go, necklaces, bracelets and other valuables. The buttons work very easily! Pictured are Emma’s hands…. hehe I don’t know about you, but every time I went on vacation, I just didn’t bother packing jewelry because I just didn’t know where to pack it! I once put a necklace in a zip loc bag and it got so tangled that I didn’t have anytime to even mess with it. I used it on one of our summer trips and it was FANTASTIC and ORGANIZED. Organization is not my forte, so this really helped…

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And yes, don’t worry… I have one of my own that says UO on it. I won’t use my daughter’s… LOL

Here are the two products again…. If it’s not useful, practical or functional, I wouldn’t be blogging it ya’ll! As always, thx so much for reading along our business and life journey. We appreciate each and every one of you!

With much love,


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