Jaime + Robert / Lake Lanier Islands Engagement Portraits

Lake Lanier Islands Engagement Wedding Portraits Dock_0020.jpg

Every week, we have a shoot or a wedding and over the years, we have seen all sorts of personalities in our clients. Sometimes, personality makes all the difference for us! Part of our job is to read the type they have within minutes to know what to speak about, how to act and how ‘adventurous’ we can be. Especially during our engagement portraits, there are only so many ‘permissions’ and ‘permits’ we can get for certain locations. There have been times when we have done everything we possibly can on our part and still get kicked out of the location and then there are times when we just get really lucky and nothing absolutely goes wrong. Because of these unpredictable circumstances, we have to know how “far” we can go depending on the personality of each couple. For example, I’m a rule follower. I’ve always been that way… Adventure is not so much my thing when it comes to taking risks of any kind. I like to have fun as much as I’m allowed to. Now, my husband? Yeah, he’s definitely the other end of the spectrum. Adventure is his middle name and he will push any boundary as far and over as he can! :) We are total opposites and after being married for over 13 years now, we both have learned to respect each other’s personality and lean to the other person’s side of the spectrum when necessary to balance things out.

All that say, Lake Lanier is one of those “ify” locations. There are so many parts of the lake that you can shoot, but the dock is the part where it can be unpredictable. Well, we went there anyways…. the gate was open, so we went through. I heard a gentleman say something and then yell and then I hear our groom say, “No one heard anything. Let’s go.” LOL! As soon as I heard Robert say this, my stress level went from 100 to 0. When I know the couple is for it, I’m for it too! The stress for me comes when I feel like they feel uncomfortable with those types of situations. I had no doubt my husband was having a blast, so when I knew Jaime and Robert were too, I was good too. We had fun being “rebels” together and got some great shots at the dock. Craig even sweet talked one of the boat owners there and we got the couple to get on one of the boats.

The more I got to know these two, the more fun they were! They were so laid back and funny! Loved their sense of humor! Many times, we feel like we have to entertain our couples, but we felt that there was no need to make that effort with them. I was so happy that every location that Craig had envisioned for their shoot worked out. We wanted everything to be as efficient as possible because it was one HOT day. Even though they flew in from Tampa and they’re used to the heat, it was still crazy hot… They took it like champs and the evening went so smoothly. Jaime did an amazing job with the outfits and they looked fabulous as you can obviously see! Jamie + Robert, thank you, thank you, thank you! What a pleasure it was to spend the evening with you guys. It was great getting to know you more and we are so looking forward to your wedding in November. Celebrating your wedding day will be such a joyous occasion. See you then and we hope that you LOVE your photos!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong