Annie + Jonathan / Chateau Elan Winery Surprise Proposal

Chateau Elan Winery Surprise Engagement Portraits_0002.jpg

“Will you marry me?” Four simple words… yet, powerful and life changing. Literally! In an instant, your life, your vision, your future BOOM changes. You now have a partner. You no longer have to do life alone. You now have someone who promises to love and cherish you for all the days of your life unconditionally. WOW!

Jonathan contacted us on Instagram through a friend’s referral, and when we received this inquiry, we were so stoked that that date was open because we LOVE doing proposals. Craig did a few in the past and it was my first time. When Craig told me that I had to be part of the “act”, I was soooooo nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous that I would mess up, but excited to be part of something so special! It sounded SO FUN and my adrenaline was pumping! Jonathan and Craig got all the details straight via phone and texting and Craig told me what I had to do. This shoot was very different in that I had no part in any of the planning. I’m usually the one that tells Craig what’s going on, so it was very different for us with that too. But, who could top Jonathan’s nerves? He was feeling all sorts of emotions I’m sure. I think it’s always so sweet to see a guy trying to do whatever he can to make his future bride simply happy and feel loved. He wanted everything to go just right. Just perfect for his lady! As a woman myself, I appreciated this so much… He chose Chateau Elan as the location and this place just never disappoints. It really is such a beautiful place with the loveliest view. He reserved the entire balcony that is on the front of this castle as I like to call it. :) On the balcony, he arranged to have a table, champaign, two glasses and two chairs with rose petals all around it.

Craig and I came 30 minutes early to be prepared. So, the plan was to have us on the side of the balcony, just enjoying the view and each other like any guest there would. We felt awkward because we were the ONLY ones on the balcony next to this romantic table. So, to make things a bit less awkward and ‘obvious’, Craig asked Chateau Elan for two glasses with sparkling water, so we would have something in our hands like everyone else. LOL So, Craig was to pretend to just take pics of me on the balcony instead of just holding it so that Annie wouldn’t wonder about anything. After Craig and I got all settled and practiced our party, it was just a matter of waiting for them for us. We looked out from the balcony and a couple of times, we thought it was them, so it was “action” time, but it wasn’t them. LOL! I finally spotted them and wow Jonathan was EXACTLY on time. Like ON THE DOT! He was going to make this plan happen perfectly! I respect that so much. As they were coming up, Craig and I felt like kids and we giggled away. My legs began to shake! The door of the balcony opened and OMG I couldn't believe it was happening! Craig turned the camera from me to them and started shooting. I grabbed the glass that was in his hand, put it down and quickly grabbed my phone to record it for them too. Tried to do it as fast as I could! (Hope you guys had a chance to see these clips on our Instastories!) I was so relieved when I could see that Annie was completely and utterly surprised. It warmed our hearts so much…!!!!!!! Yay! It was a success! Jonathan did an amazing job! As expected, Annie was gorgeous and holy moly, so was her ring! Yeah, it was definitely a BLING, BLING!

Even though it was our very first time meeting this couple, we felt so natural and comfortable with them. Jonathan booked us for a portrait session after the proposal too, so we went around Chateau Elan and took amazing shots of this newly engaged, happy couple. They were SO HAPPY! We never had to tell them to smile. In fact, we had to tell them to not smile for the serious poses. LOL Annie + Jonathan, you guys have been so special! We are so excited for you and let the planning begin!!!!! We hope to continue to serve you with photography for your wedding day and see you again! Congratulations and thank you for trusting us to be part of this momentous time of your life. We were truly honored…

With much love,

Craig + Unchong