Virginia + Brandon / The Island Fort Walton Beach Florida Wedding

“Love is patient, love is kind…” This popular Bible verse goes on to describe more characteristics of love as God defines it. His love is so immense that for me, I can’t even get the first characteristic right which is being patient. Although everyone wants love, it’s not for the faint of heart by any means. What we often forget about love is that it’s hard. But, anything worth living for is hard… The irony of that is pretty fascinating! That’s why the greatest love stories are the ones that NEVER give up and we get so inspired by those stories because we want to love someone that way and we want to be loved that way back as well. Even with movies, don’t we all cry at the end when the couple is still together no matter what life threw at them? Love stories are the best because we can all relate and feel the same. And that’s why we love weddings so much. Yes, we of course love the art of wedding photography, but what’s behind the photos is what makes it emotional. Every wedding is special, but Virginia + Brandon’s will be marked as one of our favorites for sure. This beautiful couple is the most genuine and kind hearted human beings we have encountered and their love for one another was hard to miss. They’re not just picture perfect, but so beautiful inside which made our day so worthwhile. They made us forget that we were there for a job, but rather, they welcomed us like family. You know, you can really tell what kind of a life a person has lived on their wedding day by the love that’s filled in the room from their family members and guests. If you were in that room, you’d have no doubt that they were loved. It was quite a celebration with joyful tears, tons of laughter, singing and dancing and the best toasts we have ever heard! What a blessing it is to be surrounded by so many that truly believe in you and support you! YES! This is what family is supposed to look like, and I personally could only wish that when our kids get married (it will come soon, I know!) that it will look something like this… Virginia + Brandon, you guys have inspired us to be better… to be kinder, to smile more and have fun. To become a better family and friend… It was such a blast to be able to take our whole fam down to your wedding’s destination and spend a weekend there! It was such a great change of scenery and pace. Loved every second of it! May God continue to bless you and your marriage! I know He has so much in store for you. Always remember that God is FOR YOU!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong