south asian

Naureen + Sam /Cator Woolford Gardens South Asian Wedding

Naureen + Sam /Cator Woolford Gardens South Asian Wedding

With some couples, we are extra lucky because we get to spend multiple days with them! Over those days, we have the opportunity to get to know them more and more… with South Asian weddings, it’s full of culture and traditions that we absolutely love and it never fails to amaze me.

Cristabel + Curtis / Post Wedding Portraits Duluth X2

Cristabel + Curtis / Post Wedding Portraits Duluth X2

Everyone has a story… and that story is what makes them special, unique and valuable. I value Cristabel + Curtis’s story so much. I don’t know every detail and unless you’re in that relationship, you’ll never know it all, but what I do know is this. They have gone through a lot, many decisions and much love through it all.

Noren + Arsalaan / South Asian Wedding North Carolina

Noren + Arsalaan / South Asian Wedding North Carolina

We got to partake in not just one, but TWO days in Noren + Arsalaan's wedding festivities... It was held in North Carolina, so it was fun to do something out of norm and travel a little.  It was our first time getting to know Charlotte, but it was more exciting getting to know our couple!