stone mountain

Alexandra + Robert / Stone Mountain Park & The Freeway Engagement :)

Alexandra + Robert / Stone Mountain Park & The Freeway Engagement :)

How many of you guys are ‘planners’? I am and not at the same time… As I live this life, I realize more and more that balance is key to all aspects of life. Even if I was one of those extreme planners, the truth is that there’s only so much you can plan.

Alexis + Jensen / Stone Mountain & Velcoma at the Yellow River Wedding

Alexis + Jensen / Stone Mountain & Velcoma at the Yellow River Wedding

The best day of your life.... Everyone knows that this happens on your wedding day.  It's so cool to witness this happen to many couples weekend after weekend and yet, it never gets old.  We get teary at every wedding... every wedding moves us and is a reminder that love never fails and that it's the greatest gift we all have the freedom to receive.

Obrist Family Portraits / Stone Mountain Park

Obrist Family Portraits / Stone Mountain Park

When Craig and I first met and began dating, I absolutely hated taking pictures.  No really, I clearly remember having a few arguments about it.  Even back then, he loved taking photos and so when I didn’t want to, he took it as me not wanting to be seen with him or just take pics with him.