Morgan Family / Vickery Village Family Portraits

Morgan Family / Vickery Village Family Portraits

Every family has a story, and it’s amazing how God makes all things good to those who love Him. This sweet family has a beautiful story, and even from a distance, we have been so touched by it. When Blake contacted us about her family portraits, I felt so honored that they’d want us to capture them.

Noah, Sophie and Joseph / Waterfall Family Portraits

Noah, Sophie and Joseph / Waterfall Family Portraits

An entire decade…. yes, that’s how many years we’ve known this family as clients and now, we feel like this relatives who visit them once a year. When their mom, Phuong, contacted us this year, she said she wanted to do something epic since it’s the 10th year.

Mims Family / Sims Lake Park Portraits

Mims Family / Sims Lake Park Portraits

For our family, there are “friends” and then there’s Uncle Brendan and Aunt Chae. (Chae “emo” actually which means auntie in Korean.) I don’t even know how long it’s been since we all became family, but words can’t describe how grateful we are for their friendship.

What to Wear // For Family Portraits

What to Wear // For Family Portraits

When kids begin school again and you notice the word, “pumpkin”, on the Starbucks menu, we know that fall is coming… Fall changes the pace of our daily lives a little, doesn’t it? The fresh, cooler air makes us stop and just breathe it in…

Craig's 40th // Obrist Family Santa Rosa Beach Trip 2020

Craig's 40th // Obrist Family Santa Rosa Beach Trip 2020

2020 has truly been a year of things not going according to plan. Everything we planned got cancelled and anything that happened, we didn’t plan. LOL So…. I’m just not going to plan anything for awhile. LOL This beach trip? Yeah, it wasn’t planned… hahahahahaha

Lindsey + Brandon / Lake Lanier Maternity Portraits

Lindsey + Brandon / Lake Lanier Maternity Portraits

I think we all have a sixth sense in knowing if someone is being true to you… if someone genuinely loves you. I’m currently reading the book, “Holy Sprit” by John Bevere and he explains the Holy Spirit in ways I’ve never been taught before.

The Obrist Family Portraits 2019 // Modern Royal Style

The Obrist Family Portraits 2019 // Modern Royal Style

Our modern society slowly, but surely brought on somewhat of a new tradition for Christmas. I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember so many families coming together to take photos year after after. Maybe a shot or two in a studio like Olan Mills every few years, but not like the way we do now.

Fauntleroy Family Portraits

I remember when my mom used to always say to me, “One day, you’ll understand.” I’m sure that every mother has said that to their kids, and what’s ironic is that I’m saying that to mine now too. Yes, I do understand now. I’m sure there are even more things that I’ll soon understand, but as I get older, I’m “getting it” more and more.