
Fauntleroy Family / Sims Lake Park Portraits

Fauntleroy Family / Sims Lake Park Portraits

No one needs a reminder that 2020 was challenging for everyone in different ways. As you guys know, we have three kids, but they are older now. Parents with older kids had their own set of challenges, but parents with little kids had to face unique ones too.

Mims Family / Sims Lake Park Portraits

Mims Family / Sims Lake Park Portraits

For our family, there are “friends” and then there’s Uncle Brendan and Aunt Chae. (Chae “emo” actually which means auntie in Korean.) I don’t even know how long it’s been since we all became family, but words can’t describe how grateful we are for their friendship.

Lindsay + Tony / Jackson St. Bridge Atlanta Skyline & Outcast Mural Engagement

Lindsay + Tony / Jackson St. Bridge Atlanta Skyline & Outcast Mural Engagement

God’s timing is always perfect. He doesn’t miss a beat. Sometimes, I don’t understand it, but I trust in Him because I’m not capable of comprehending His omnipotence. As we are all aware, our nation is going through a heartache, and we are hurting. The timing of this blog post is not a coincidence to me because of who this post is about, and it’s about Lindsay + Tony!

Consuella + Robert / Villa Christina Wedding

Consuella + Robert / Villa Christina Wedding

Words are powerful. It can literally uplift or destroy someone. God created this world with his words… nothing else. In the same way, God gave us the power in our tongues; hence, what we say must be taken seriously. I begin with this because encouraging words is what we received from Consuella + Robert.

Cynthia + Johnathan / Lenox Park & Buckhead Skyline Engagement Portraits

Cynthia + Johnathan / Lenox Park & Buckhead Skyline Engagement Portraits

Weddings are special in many ways. It’s a common place for people to meet and connect. I think it’s great because it’s a time of celebration, everyone is in a good mood and everyone is also looking their best! When we ask couples how they met, weddings is an answer that we’ve received many times.

Cherise + Joseph / The Tate House Wedding

Cherise + Joseph / The Tate House Wedding

“In a blink of eye” is what they told me… That statement has never been so true in my life. I remember when Cherise was a teen. How did we know her back then, you ask? Craig and I were working in the youth ministry together for many years. Teenagers were our life and we loved it!