Hannah Senior Portraits / Lenox Park and Buckhead Skyline Atlanta

Hannah Senior Portraits / Lenox Park and Buckhead Skyline Atlanta

We couldn't believe it when Kelly inquired us about her daughter's senior portraits.  We totally remember her baby Hannah when we used to attend the same church years ago.  We were like, "wait... Hannah?  She's a senior in high school??!"  Wow... it's unbelievable to me how fast time is flying.

Hannah / McDaniel Farm & Buckhead Senior Portraits

Hannah / McDaniel Farm & Buckhead Senior Portraits

It’s amazing how different the world looks once you become a parent… it’s literally not the same anymore.  When we get inquiries from parents wanting to celebrate their children by capturing their season, we just love it!  Senior portraits are one of my favorite things to do because I get to focus

Josyln / Sope Creek Quinceanera Portraits

Josyln / Sope Creek Quinceanera Portraits

Is it just me or does time go by faster and faster the older I get?  I just don’t remember life passing by so fast when I was younger.  Well, I wish there was a way to slow it down just a little… It’s crazy when I’m out of town just for a few days and I feel like my kids grew a foot and have matured so much.