Jenn + David / McDaniel Farm Park & Atlanta Engagement

We got to meet David at one of our friend’s wedding a couple of years ago. It was one of the most memorable wedding for me because it was my wife’s best friend’s sister’s wedding. It was such a blast, and one of the reason was because David was one of the groomsmen! Who would have thought that a couple of years later that he would contact us to shoot his wedding?? We live in such a small world where we are all somehow connected, and I just love that about our big, yet small world. What a pleasure it was to meet with his fiancé, Jenn too when we all met for their wedding consultation. I had such a blast getting to know them… they’re both so sweet, and I knew that we would just bond. Their faith is just incredible, and I highly respect it. We chose McDaniel farm as their location for their engagement shoot because it was just perfect for them. We then headed to downtown to get some skyline shot, and was it gorgeous or what?! JennDavid, I can’t wait to see you guys in month again for your wedding day! You guys will do an amazing job putting everything together, and it will be one spectacular day honoring our God with your union. Can’t wait!