Tara + Orlando / Victory Hamilton Mill Wedding

All you need is love... Deep down, we all know that's true and that love never fails. It just doesn't. No matter what goes wrong, no matter how stressful things can get, love motivates and is literally the strength that we receive to keep going and to not give up. Love... it is something that we all live for and believe in. God is love and that's why it's real and the greatest gift. Well, that's something that Tara & Orlando have for one another. Throughout the whole planning of their wedding and how their relationship led to this day, you could just look at them and see that what they have is priceless. I love their genuine smiles and laughter for one another. How they let love surpass it all. After years of waiting for this day and then months of planning their wedding celebration, the day finally came and it could not have been more perfect. It was simply a dream come true, and I sensed their joy all throughout the day. Tara was one of the most easy going bride EVER and Orlando was the happiest groom EVER! The most memorable moments for me was when Tara's son walked her down the aisle and when Orlando made his vows to his new children... things like that are possible only with love.  My wife and I are truly happy for this couple and their new family.  Through God's faithfulness, they will lead one amazing journey together and many will be blessed through it.  Tara & Orlando, your wedding was gorgeous!  Fabulous job with everything, and my you continue to be blessed!  Hope you enjoy all the pictures!