Jessica + Yohan / Ashton Gardens Wedding

I know I’ve said it before, and I’m sure you’ve heard it from many others as well, but this big world is actually really small.  Social media has proven that we are all somehow connected, and I think that’s pretty neat, don’t you?  It’s like we are essentially a part of a one big family.  :) When Yohan and I met for his wedding consultation, we both realized during the conversation that we actually knew each other!  It was crazy, but after few questions, we found out that his dad prayed at my wedding almost 10 years ago!  I was like, “whoa….!”  We connected right away and had a great time getting to know one another and talking about his upcoming wedding.  I couldn’t wait to come home to tell my wife who Yohan was.  Well, I actually didn’t because I called her.  :)  She too was like, “whoa….  No way!”  Jessica wasn’t able to come to the consultation, so I was so excited to finally meet her at their wedding.  The day finally arrived and as the pictures with tell you, we had the best time.  I just really enjoyed this wedding because everyone was in such a good mood and there was a lot of laughter.  I could really tell that the bridal party was there to support the bride and groom and to make their day the most special day of their lives.  Their friendships were so genuine!  Seriously, this bridal party rocked!  The whole day just went so smoothly and well… It was an early wedding, so we were able to stop off at a grass field to take more shots of just the bride and groom, and I hope you will enjoy them!  Jessica and Yohan, thank you so much for choosing us.  We are so grateful for you both and hope to continue our friendship!  Thank you for being amazing bride and groom, and we wish you guys the best marriage.  Hope you enjoy all the moments captured...