ashton gardens

Brooke + Nick / Ashton Gardens Wedding Atlanta

Brooke + Nick / Ashton Gardens Wedding Atlanta

There are two kinds of weddings. One where the couple is super stressed and another where they simply don’t. Weddings are a BIG deal! They’re a one of a lifetime event where many feel pressured to make it perfect. But, just like like anything else in life, you can choose to allow that pressure to affect you or not.

Alyssa + Tito / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Alyssa + Tito / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

It’s so important to know what voices to listen to in our world. I’m not sure if it’s because we are adults, so we are more aware of the news and what’s going on or if our world seems to be really be full of negativity these days.

Deidra + Jamaal / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Deidra + Jamaal / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

There are so many reasons that Spring brings out the best in all of us! Just like the flowers, it’s as if we all “bloom” again in life! More people come outside, more people start anew with many things… It’s no wonder we all do some “Spring cleaning”.

Ellen + Jeremy / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Ellen + Jeremy / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Now that we’ve become “middle aged” and have kids that are entering their teenage years (wow that’s so weird to write), we can’t help but see weddings in a new light.  At the beginning of our business which is now more than a decade ago, we went to weddings and thought how we wished we could’ve done that, had this, worn a different dress, etc…

Victoria + Melvin / Ashton Gardens Wedding

Victoria + Melvin / Ashton Gardens Wedding

From these photos, there’s no doubt that Victoria was stunning in her dress, that Melvin was completely dapper and that every detail of this wedding was beautiful. Yes, all those things are true, but I will remember Tori + Melvin’s wedding by the key emotional moments that will always stand out to me.

Gabby + Phanna / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Gabby + Phanna / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

There’s a sweet bride and then there’s Gabby. She has the sweetest smile, the sweetest voice tone with sweet words flowing through… She’s always calm, patient and gentle. When I meet someone like Gabby, it always inspires me to become more like that. Yes, I do need more sweetness, gentleness and patience in my life!

Larshanae + Cedric / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Larshanae + Cedric / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

You know, there are some really smart people out there… the ideas that people have fascinate me! Like Uber… Airbnb… what an amazing business concept, right? Like, I would have never even thought of something like that! Well, Shanae said that she got an Airbnb to get ready with her bridal party, so I was curious as to what this place that she chose was going to look like!

Stephanie + Bryan / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Stephanie + Bryan / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Where do I even begin with Stephanie + Bryan?  How about... we go way back.  Well, with Stephanie anyways.  Back to when she was a little girl.  We all used to all attend the same church, a church that we still like to call home, Victory World Church.