Olivia + Julio / Biltmore Ballroom Atlanta Wedding

As soon as we stepped into the bride’s parent’s home to begin the day, you could sense the sweetness in the atmosphere… You could sense the coziness of their home and all the memories that they shared over the years as a family.  We were greeted by the beautiful bride and all the family members that were there to share the morning as everyone was getting ready for the big day.  The day didn’t even begin, but we just knew that this day was going to be a good day.  Good day indeed… We met the bride’s sisters, the parents of the bride, her bridesmaids… they were all so kind!  This day was even more special because it was my birthday – yay!  It was the sweetest thing when the mother of the bride found out and sang happy birthday to me as everyone else joined in.  Oh, I just loved her!  We began talking and as I shared about my family’s history of living in Jamaica, we bonded.    She gave my wife and I a special drink to try as well… they really made both of us feel so comfortable and a part of the family… The bride was calm, the day was calm, everything was just so calm!  That’s very rare to describe a wedding day, but everything was on schedule… Olivia and Julio were the most chill couple EVER!  They were cool with everything I asked them to do… they were willing to do anything and just knew how to take amazing photos.  As the ceremony approached, you could see the anticipation for Julio and Olivia to see one another as she walked down the aisle. Her amazing dad (who was so nice and funny, by the way!) walked her down, and Julio’s face was just priceless… Can you imagine the emotions that were running through the bride and groom?  Oh, what a moment!  The ceremony was beautiful and now the reception… ok, so I’ve said this before, but I don’t know if everyone believes me, but I truly cry at every single wedding.  At one point or another, there are tears.  So, the father/daughter dance gets me every time and gosh darn it, it got me again.    But, my gosh…. my wife didn’t just cry, she broke down when Julio had his dance with his mom.  I knew that she was thinking of our son… People looked at her like something was wrong because she was crying so much.  LOL!  She finally got it under control… LOL!  We laughed about it so much later… Oh, but you know… those moments are reminders for us…. it reminds us why we do what we do.  I know that the day I shoot a wedding and I can’t shed a tear is the day that will be my last for me… We love weddings!  Every aspect of it – the stunning bride, her prince, the yummy cakes hehe, the emotions, the emotions and the emotions… The emotions that gives meaning to this thing called life.  The emotions that tell me why we are in this business.  The emotions that makes it all worthwhile and so fulfilling.  These emotions are what makes it all so priceless.  Olivia and Julio, words can’t describe how much we appreciate couples like you.  Couples that completely adore one another… you have taught us kindness and sincerity and authenticity.  We will never forget your wedding and your family!  What an incredible family you have… that is a true blessing.  We are so happy for you all and hope that these pictures will allow you to relive your most special day every time you see them.  It was an honor to be there with you!