Kat + Kevin / Thompson House Wedding


About a year ago, Kat inquired us through her venue’s website… It’s needless to say that we connected and here we are now blogging her wedding day!  Oh, I just can’t tell you guys how much I love this couple… So… we did something different tonight.  Earlier today, we connected online and video chatted to show Kat and Kevin their wedding photos for the first time.  Before we blogged it, before we shared it on social media or anything… they saw it for the first time.  Only them…  After getting married, they moved to another state, so we weren’t able to meet, but thanks to the internet, we were still able to “meet” and present their wedding story and guys, let me tell you, it was literally just priceless.  There were tears, good tears… As she was wiping her tears away from the joy and the happiness she was reliving through the captured moments, I couldn’t help but cry too.  It was so funny because my wife couldn’t be a part of the meeting because she was attending to the kids, so she was peeking in our blinds and got choked up as she was watching the couple’s reactions.  Wow!  Now, this is why we do what we do.  If someone asks me why we are in this industry, all I have to do is show them the recording of their reactions.  That really just touched me… that really put me on another level.  That just gave me a boost to do better… that reminded me what the purpose of my job is once again.  What an invaluable experience.  If I had to choose one word to describe their wedding day, it would be, “charming”.  Everything about it… from the way Kat curled her hair, to their cutest dog, to the dapper groom that was mesmerized by his bride’s beauty, to the stranger who offered his truck for their photos, to the adorable flower girl and all the sweet, southern wedding decor, this wedding was just perfect.  Perfect indeed… Kat and Kevin, thank you for making the time to connect with us tonight.  You guys really pumped me up!    You are such an incredible couple, and I just wish you guys all the best in your marriage and your future.  May your love for one another continue to grow… to understand each other, to forgive one another, to adore each other and to unconditionally be there for one another.  You guys have been a blessing to us!  Thank you for everything, and may these photos be shared with your family and your future family forever!