Jessica + Jamie / Downtown Woodstock Georgia Wedding

I was introduced to a new world when we went to Woodstock, GA for Jessica’s bridal shoot.  Jessica and her sister showed us around the area, and I just couldn’t believe that a community like this existed.  I must admit, my wife and I started getting kinda jealous.    We were like, “wow… um… like… you guys know everybody!”  We were all on a golf cart, and I couldn’t believe that every single individual that we passed, they knew.  I remember wondering if that was even possible.  My wife even mentioned wanting to move there… I’m still pretty tempted to.  It was so encouraging to see a community like that.  It was so neat and everyone was super friendly and it made me realize that I need to be more intentional in becoming more like that with my community.  The neighborhood was beautiful, but not more than our bride, Jessica… With the help from her sister, we found so many unique places and the shots turned out stunning.  Jessica was such a trooper getting around in the heat and the annoying mosquitos.    Her bridal shoot was only about two weeks from her wedding, so I was so happy to get to know her and her family more and the area more.  The day finally arrived and oh my gosh… every single little details exceeded my expectations.  Absolutely loved the boho style that they were going for…. I’ve been waiting for a wedding like this, and wow!  It was amazing…. the family, the friends, the food (they had food trucks.. whaaaaaa???  So creative!), the cakessssss, and of course our bride and groom, Jessica and Jamie… They both looked amazing and were fun to photograph.  They all made me feel like a family member and I just can’t be more grateful.  Guys, thank you so much!  Can’t wait to see your little one and we wish you a super duper happy family… you guys are going to be incredible parents.  Hope you love these photos…