Stephanie + Sydney / Sunflowers & Sunsets Engagement

Sunflower field engagement portraits sunset mountains georgia_0034.jpg

Got up early this morning because I know it's going to be a good day. Why?  Because it's Stephanie + Sydney's wedding day!  We are throwing it back to their engagement session from last fall and just reminiscing on how fun that day was.  You see that cute photo above?  Yeah.... they're as cute as the pic; actually, they're even cuter.  :)  From the moment we saw them to the moment we said goodbye, I don't think there was a second where we all weren't smiling or laughing.  We had fun the ENTIRE time!  It's not that hard to have fun with Stephanie's most contagious laughs and giggles.  You could totally sense and see Sydney complete adoration for his bride.  Their bond, their chemistry, their love were the most perfect combination to make the most beautiful images.  As you can see, Stephanie is gorgeous, and as I'm writing this, I'm anticipating the reveal of her wedding dress today!  I wonder what she chose!  Sydney will look completely handsome and oh my gosh... we just can't wait to photograph these two again!  This is one of the reasons why we love engagement shoots so much.  Because through these shoots, we get to know them so on their wedding day, it's like having an exciting reunion and party!  We now know their personalities, what makes them laugh, how they are as models.... what works for them, what doesn't, what pose is best, etc... If you ever contemplate about e-sessions, don't!  It's only a win-win thing!

It's funny because at every shoot, we have something experience/story to share.  At the end of this shoot when we were all finished and just talking, we hear a big 'bang' and then see fire... Then, a LOT of fire... We still don't know what that was, but it wasn't like a house that got caught on fire or anything.  Someone was doing something and we all basically got freaked out and left!  LOL!  We wanted to stay longer and talk more, but uh.... no.... we needed to leave.  Sydney and Craig wanted to go check it out, but their smart significant others said, "NO!!!!!!!"  LOL!  We need our men to be alive, right, Stephanie?  ;)  I'm very thankful that we all made it out of there safely to see today happen.... their wedding day.  Yes, it's going to be a great day.  And with that said, we wish all of you a wonderful weekend and let me get ready to meet this very special couple to capture and document the most special day of their lives!  Stephanie + Sydney, see you soon!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong