Diana + Marcus / Grant Hill Farms Ceremony in The Rain

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When you’re in the moment, you sometimes just don’t know what’s going on.  You wonder why it’s happening.  Your comprehension becomes very limited and you just can’t wrap your head around it.  You start to question and then your emotions take over.  You become flustered, frustrated or just down right mad.  The #1 thing that everyone wishes against is rain on their wedding day.  When a bride plans for her wedding, she envisions a clear, pure blue sky with no rain in sight.  No one envisions a wedding to be during a storm.  But, storms come and there’s nothing we can do about when it will.  Well, a storm decided to come on Diana + Marcus’s wedding day.  Yes, it rained… actually, it poured.  But these two made a choice.  A choice to make the best of out of what they had.  They made a choice to still put a big smile on their faces.  A choice to still make this day the best day of their lives.  They did not allow their emotions to take over; rather, peace and joy.  Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, REJOICE!”  This verse is what comes to mind when we think about this couple.  When you look at their ceremony photos, you see the storm and the rain coming down hard around them, but their eyes are so focused on each other and their smiles have never been so brighter.  Yeah… nothing can take the JOY from them.  True joy… joy that can only come from the Lord above.  And can we talk about friendships for a moment?  That is a priceless thing.  This bridal party gets a special award for being amazing.  We’ve never seen a wedding party come together so much.  They really became a team to make Diana + Marcus’s wedding dreams come true.  A special shout out to the groomsmen who transported our bride to the ceremony area safely and DRY!  There’s always a sacrifice and they sacrificed getting wet themselves.  That first photo just says it all… and if you zoom in, you can see Diana’s smile.  Yes, SMILE!  How many brides will do that on a rainy wedding day?  There’s just something powerful about this couple, and I can’t wait to see how they will lead others through their marriage.  God has so much in store for them and it’s exciting to see how He will continue to bless them over and over and over.  As many of you already know, their story went viral.  How about that?!  Who knew that would happen?  When we heard of the news, we just couldn’t believe it.  If you missed it, here are a few links to catch up on this story. (Thx for sending these, Diana!)  Good morning America postABC News, and Buzzfeed.

(Please note that the photos only on Buzzfeed are ours.)

And just in time for Father’s Day, a huge shout out to my hubby, Craig Obrist, who is a great example of rejoicing in the midst of a storm too.  As a wedding photographer, rain definitely will throw many plans off and stress level rises, but it amazes me to see him create beauty in any weather condition or location.  He came home totally soaked, but he didn’t even complain… he was actually so excited about all the photos that he GOT to create because of the rain and couldn't wait to show me.  He has always been like this in our marriage… as a husband and as a father, he always makes the BEST out of what we have.  His level of gratitude is always the same.  He has always kept our joy high in our home…. because joy doesn’t come from our circumstances.  It doesn’t matter what we have, what we don’t, it doesn’t matter if we live in a one bedroom apartment like the one we started off with or the four bedroom home we live in now.  His joy has never changed and I know that because he has the joy of the Lord in his heart, and I love him for that.  That’s what makes him a good father, and Craig, we celebrate you today and everyday.  Our children are truly blessed to call you dad.  

Hope this post has brightened your day!  As always, thank you for following and reading our posts.  It means so much to us… We love what we do because of YOU!  

With much love,

Craig + Unchong