Time to Give Back // Supreme Task International - Smash Hunger

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"One day, if I ever make this much money, then I will give it to such and such...." was a thought we used to have.  But, we realized that giving doesn't happen under certain circumstances, it happens when you decide to.  With money, no matter where you're at, it's never enough because contentment comes from a sense of gratitude... in fact, they say, "More money, more problems", and that is so true.  How much you have doesn't determine if you're a giving person... Rich?  Wealthy?  What does that really mean?  To measure someone's wealth is relative isn't it?  There are people in this world who in our standards are "dirt poor", but they're the most content, grateful people.  And then people we see as "super rich" can be the most stingy and miserable people.  

We believe that the only true joy can come from our Lord, Jesus Christ and in Him, we are all abundantly wealthy.  The love that He has for us is what sets us free and lead us to give and to bless others.  Only His love can compel us to do what is right and what is good.  He convicts us to have compassion for those who are in need without any expectation of getting anything back.  True giving is when you're at a total selfless state giving all the glory to the One who is love itself.

We share this because this year in 2017, we knew that a decision and a commitment to give had to be made.  Instead of waiting for that 'perfect situation', we knew that the time to give was now, not later.  A wonderful opportunity came up a couple of years ago when Craig was asked to go to India to film a video for a non-profit organization called, Supreme Task International.  It is run by Larry and Laurel Derstine whom we have known for years... we have always known of their ministry, but this time, Craig was able to experience it first hand.  There, he saw what this wonderful couple did to make their organization run... there, he saw with his own eyes the children who were starving... orphans who were longing to be loved.  It was heartbreaking and devastating, but it was also so hopeful because of people like the Derstine's who take action to make a difference.  It is so inspiring for us to witness couples like Larry and Laurel who sacrifice so much to fulfill their calling.  It's incredible and admirable.... After this trip, we couldn't help but want to give.  We saw ourselves where the money goes and the impact that it has on these precious children.  (On our main page, there's a video for you to see these children yourselves!)

Larry and Laurel Derstine.... the beautiful couple who are the founders of this ministry.

Larry and Laurel Derstine.... the beautiful couple who are the founders of this ministry.

Some of the children who you have helped support this year!

Some of the children who you have helped support this year!

Precious, isn't she...?

Precious, isn't she...?

This is a photo of one of their meals.

This is a photo of one of their meals.

With that being said, with your help in 2017, we have donated 13,500 meals!  WOW!  Because of the business YOU have supported us with, we were able to make this happen together!  Words can't describe how grateful we are for the continued support and growth you give us every single year.  We are overwhelmed by all the kind words and feedback and love that we constantly receive from YOU, our clients.  Thank you for trusting us with your family's most precious moments and memories.  We say this all the time, but it really is our honor to be able to capture these memories for you.  It is time for us to give back, and we are so excited to continue our partnership with Supreme Task International to help feed and love on the orphans of this organization.  

This has been one of the most exciting things that we got to do this year as a business, and we hope to make increases in our giving every year.  Thank you once again, and from our family to yours, we wish you the Happiest New Year.  

With much love,

Craig + Unchong

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